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EZFlash Junior kernel firmware 1.04

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This is the firmware and kernel for the EZFlash Juinior, Gameboy and Gameboy Color flash cart.


Note: For the best performance and stability. The items in the root folder no more than 32(include the kernel file and saver folder). The total files in each folder from the root folder no more than 100.

SHA1(ezgb.dat)= a67c41c5f146e5bb58a355eeadb00a4fd2caa71b
SHA1(Update_FW3.gb)= d91c47b3c5921467e51fa1b10d42d77c75d6d5f0

FW3 K1.03

  • Improved game compatibility
  • Added the support of MBC1M Multicart


  • Fixed some logical error in last played game.

FW2 K1.01

  • Fixed some game compatibility
  • Optimize the limited number of files and directories
  • Fixed some file display issues
  • Added a Reading interface
  • Added a Loading interface
  • Added the support of MBC30 64KB SAVE
  • Added AUTO SAVE in SET tab
  • Checked = Backup the save to SD every time automatically when kernel booting up
  • Unchecked = Kernel will ask every time when kernel booting up, cancel backup may cause you to lose the last play record
  • Added last played game Press START in file browser to activate, Press A to launch, B to cancel.

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.04


  • Removed Chinese support and filename sorting
  • Fixed booting sequence halt in OS INIT which caused by disk fragmentation
  • Fixed random File System Error
  • Added a battery dry notice
  • Some interface rearrangement
  • Some scroll timing tweak
  • The total length of the filename is 254 characters
  • The maximum number of files in the folder is 7000

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