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LordBoGaMi's HDL_Dump GUI 2.1

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HDL_Dump GUI 2.1
        * Add CD/DVD Support in JobQueue
        * Add Chinese Language
        * Add Simple Chinese Language
        * Add French Language
        * Add Alternative HDL_Dump Server (README is buttom)
          Transfer speed is up to 40% faster
          DISABLE compression if you use this Server !!
        - Fix error with 100% CPU Usage (thanks to wizard of oz)
        - Fix some errors in JobQueue
        - Fix some errors in PS2 Mode Window

HDL_Dump GUI 2.0
        * HDL_Dump 0.8.2 support
        * Add Support for 8 Modes
        * Add Shutdown Computer on end
        * Change Font
        * Add JobQueue
        * Add Spanish Language (thanks Nemesis1978)
        * Add Italian Language (thanks sincro)
        - Fix error on changing CD/DVD during Transfer crash 
        - Fix error on Startup
        - ONLY FOR Windows 2k and Windows XP - NO Windows 9x Support

    * Add Full Multilanguage support
    * Add PowerOff after Job
    - Fix Shortcut delete on deinstall
    - Fix Shutcut Execute Path
    - Fix Tranfer Status on PC-ISO 2 PS2 Transfer
    - Fix sort by Compatibility flags
    - Fix display Language Files in Config

    - Fix Font Installation
    - Fix About Button

HDL_Dump GUI RC1 (first Release)
    * ToxicOS support (no APAEXT)
    * HDL_Dump 0.8.1 support
    * HDL_Dump 0.8.1 Server in Install Directory
    * Windows 9x support
    * format your Harddisk
    * Compatibility Flags (Mode 1 - 6)
    * DVD9 support (thanks to crazyc)
    * Multilanguage support (over xxx.HDL file) not full
    * editable Startup File
    * print Imagelist
    * Copy from PS2 Device to PS2 Device
    * Create ISO from CD/DVD
    * Transfer Images from PC to PS2
    * Transfer CD/DVD from PC to PS2 (not DVD9)
    * Transfer Images from PS2 to PC
    * Delete Images on PS2
    * Full LAN Support
    * Full local Support

      * Game Compatibility Database
      * Burn ISO direct from GUI
Thanks to wizard of oz for hdl_dump
Thanks to nemesiz.tk for LordBoGaMi's Tools Forum
Thanks to Zer0-X, weltall, crazyc and all other for new HDL features
Thanks to http://www.ps2-scene.org
Thanks to http://www.ps2hd.com

eMail: lordbogami@nemesiz.tk

Original from w1zard0f07

Alternative hdld_svr.elf README

What's all this about?

Alternative hdl_dump networking server uses lwip's RAW API, instead of sequential one (AKA BSD-sockets). The benefit is 40% better network throughput - 1,15MB/sec compared to the old one of 0,8MB/sec (measured when client is running on the Linux box); the drawback is somewhat more complex server, because lwip RAW API requires a state machine operation. Also, stock ps2ip.irx doesn't export lwip RAW API, therefore server is integrated into the ps2ip.irx itself.

Another drawback is lack of decompression code, which means, that client SHOULD NOT use compression (turn it off in the config file).

by LordBoGaMi.

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