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Playstation 2 Regional Faker 1.0.0

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This program allows you to fool some games into thinking that your console is a Japanese console, hence allowing you to have access to otherwise restricted content.

Such games include the SEGA Gems Collection, which has been reported to have more content available to only Japanese gamers.

Simply pop in your game and launch this program. The program will adjust the OSD parameters within your kernel and boot your game directly. If something goes wrong, it'll boot the Playstation 2 browser.


Please take note that this program is experimented and has only been tested on PCSX2. It should work properly on real Playstation 2 consoles.

What does this program actually do?

It changes the language field within the OSD parameters block that gets stored in your Playstation 2's kernel to Japanese. Games check that field to determine what language to use and for region-locking purposes.

The parameters are not saved to your console's Non-Volatile memory, so everything should be back to normal if you were to reset your console or exit back to the OSD (Since the OSD will reload the OSD parameters from NVRAM).

by SP193.

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