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SwitchTime 0.1.1

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Change NetworkSystemClock.


  • @thedax for NX-ntpc, from which this project is forked.


  • Change time by day/hour
  • Contact a time server at http://ntp.org to set the time back to normal


This program changes NetworkSystemClock, which may cause a desync between console and servers. Use at your own risk! It is recommended that you only use the changed clock while offline, and change it back as soon as you are connected (either manually or using ntp.org server.)

by 3096.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.1.1


  • Added a hidden L functionality - quick launch by replacing hbmenu.nro
  • Fixed an issue when NetworkSystemClock is not set
  • General software stability improvements to enhance the user's experience

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