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Kodinator 1.0.0

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 Sent from the future to brick your flashcarts!

This program was designed to help code creators with finding and diagnosing problems relating to their cheat codes.

Code Analyzer
 -Gives detailed information on what each line of your code does in the cheat engine itself.
 -Will report any formatting errors or missing end of loop code errors.

Convert ARDS to C
 -Shows you how your ARDS code could be coded in C and gives a more structured look to how your code works.

Convert CBDS to ARDS
 -Convert your CBDS to ARDS codes. (This feature is still very imcomplete dont expect it to work at all).

Branch Generator
 -Lets you easily create a branch code to jump from your hook address to your custom asm code.
 -Allows generation of Arm Branch and Thumb Branch with Link opcodes.


Normmatt - For programming this from scratch.
Elixirdream - For suggesting features and providing detailed bug reports.

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