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PES 2020 Kit Studio 1.0.7

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UniColor, UniformParameter and KitConfig editor, GDB exporter for Kitserver.


  • Supports only PC files - console files are NOT supported directly (use multi-converter to convert your files from/to console formats)
  • kits per team configuration
    • kit types - normal, GK, CL (still available to choose, but won't work in-game, due to removal of licensed Champions League mode)
    • kit icons
    • kit colors (for kit selection menu, etc.)
  • add/remove kits to team (up to 10 kits per team)
  • conversion of unlicensed team entries to licensed (e.g. to enable CL kits)
  • ability to delete unwanted unlicensed team entries (e.g. duplicated teams)
  • ability to add new team entries (e.g. for extra teams that you already created by yourself in Team.bin)
  • ability to delete licensed team entries via popup menu
  • saved .bin files are always zlib-compressed
  • improved team filtering by name - filter boxes now accept all characters (interpunction, characters with umlauts, carets, etc.)
  • filters accept team Id's and team names
  • hex color-codes displayed in color pickers
  • export/import of individual licensed team entries via popup menu
  • mass csv export/import for all teams
  • colored mini-kit icons preview (based on PES 2015 kit icons - may not be 100% accurate for PES 2020)
  • ability to unlicense licensed team entries (two options - unlicensing of the unicolor entry only or unlicensing in both unicolor.bin and team.bin file) via pop-up menu
  • realUni .bin config files editing
  • synchronization of kit references between UniColor.bin and EDIT00000000 (from Unicolor to EDIT only) - semi-experimental option that may (or may not) solve the problems that appear when changes to kit distribution in UniColor do not show in-game because the game (i.e. community patches) is already using EDIT00000000 file with different kit distribution.
  • ability to delete kits stored in EDIT00000000, that were created in Edit mode (two options - deletion of all edit mode kits per individual licensed team (on 'Licensed UniColor entries' tab) and global deletion of each and every edit mode kit available (on 'Misc' tab)) - another semi-experimental feature which may or may not solve the problems that appear because data in UniColor and EDIT00000000 are not ideally synchronized.
  • [NEW in 2020, v1.0.2] RefereeColor.bin support - adding more slots for referee kits and editing base colors for referee kits
  • [NEW in 2020, v1.0.3] TeamColor.bin support - editing team-related colors
  • [NEW in 2020, v1.0.3] changing the .exe and data pack versions stored in EDIT00000000 file (v1.0.2 was only able to display those numbers)
  • [NEW in 2020, v1.0.5] One-Click synchronization of kit slots from UniColor.bin to EDIT00000000 for all teams (see Misc tab) - supplements the individual "Sync team_X to EDIT00000000" button on "Licensed UniColor entries" tab

kitstudio2020_v10 (1).jpg

New features since 2019 version:

  • Completely reworked Open/Save files work-flow - see the subsequent "Really, really, read me carefully" section 😉
  • Fully automated UniformParameter.bin file handling
    • On File > Open, all kit config .bin files are automatically extracted from UniformParameter.bin
    • On File > Save, but only if you had modified at least one kit config .bin file, all the kit config .bin files are automatically re-built into a new UniformParameter.bin
  • Kits preview option - enabled again, .ftex format is not an obstacle any more
    • zoom in/out slider added
  • Kits config options
    • Several parameters are more accurate than before - Chest number X position, all X positions of sleeve patches (thanks to @shawminator and the 2019/2020 beta-test crew: @Hawke, @mota10, @Lucas RK, @Cesc Fabregas, @pop1806)
    • Several sleeve patch presets for the most common kit brands (Nike, Adidas, ...) added - faster sleeve patches initial setting (thanks @mota10) - badge presets are still based on 2019 kits
    • All the unknown values are now also available for experimenting (thanks to @shawminator)
    • "Import" button added - overwrites currently active realUni kit config .bin file with the contents of another realUni kit config .bin file
    • [NEW in 2020] BackNumberType - another kit config property has been discovered and conveniently named "Back number type" - it can be used to force using 2-digit back numbers for all players - i.e. with this option active, single-digit numbers will always have leading 0, e.g. 01, 05, ... thanks to @pop1806 for stumbling upon it

Really, really, read me carefully ... yes, even you, grizzled veteran!

New Open/Save work-flow (identical to 2019 version)

  • Opening procedure has been simplified since 2019 version, so that you are not required to select many files manually every time you hit File > Open
  • Kit Studio now opens all the necessary files (Team.bin, Team4.bin, UniColor.bin, UniformParameter.bin, EDIT00000000, CompetitionEntry.bin) automatically when selecting File > Open, but it expects those files to be in certain locations
  • BEFORE you even consider selecting File > Open, go to File > Settings... and select so called Global Root folder - the folder which contains all extracted files and folders that Kit Studio needs


  • When saving, you won't be asked anything - files that need to be saved will automatically be saved in their appropriate locations, zlibbed as usual, but using their ORIGINAL names (Team.bin, UniColor.bin, EDIT00000000 etc. - no more zlib_Team.bin etc. that have to be renamed manually)
  • Pay attention to the location of EDIT00000000 file - see the image above!

What files do I need to use ...

For compatibility with the game which does not use data packs:

  • Team.bin and Team4.bin from dt10_x64.cpk (common/etc/pesdb)
  • UniColor.bin and UniformParameter.bin from dt34_g4.cpk (common/character0/model/character/uniform/team)
  • [OPTIONAL] all kit config .bin files from dt34_g4.cpk (contents of every teamID and referee subfolder from common/character0/model/character/uniform/team)
  • [OPTIONAL] all kit textures .ftex files from dt34_g4.cpk (Asset/model/character/uniform/texture/#windx11)
  • EDIT00000000 file - from your current patch, private edits, etc. - go to edit mode and let the game create one, if there isn't any in your mydocs\save folder
  • CompetitionEntry.bin from dt10_x64.cpk (common/etc/pesdb)

For compatibility with the game which uses Data pack 1:

  • Team.bin and Team4.bin from dt80_100E_x64.cpk (common/etc/pesdb)
  • Unicolor.bin and UniformParameter.bin from dt80_100E_x64.cpk (common/character0/model/character/uniform/team)
  • [OPTIONAL] all kit config .bin files from
    • a) dt34_g4.cpk (contents of every teamID and referee subfolder from common/character0/model/character/uniform/team), then overwrite with
    • b) dt80_100E_x64.cpk (contents of every teamID and referee subfolder from common/character0/model/character/uniform/team)
  • [OPTIONAL] all kit textures .ftex files from
    • a) dt34_g4.cpk (Asset/model/character/uniform/texture/#windx11), then overwrite with
    • b) dt80_100E_x64.cpk (Asset/model/character/uniform/texture/#windx11)
  • EDIT00000000 file - from your current DataPack1-compatible patch, private edits, etc. - go to edit mode and let the game create one, if there isn't any in your mydocs\save folder
  • CompetitionEntry.bin from dt80_100E_x64.cpk (common/etc/pesdb)

by zlac.

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.0.7   See changelog


No hay lista de cambios disponible para esta versión.

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