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FTPD for Nintendo 3DS 3.1.0

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FTP Server for Nintendo 3DS (here the Switch version).


  • Appears to work well with a variety of clients.
  • Supports multiple simultaneous clients. The 3DS itself only appears to support enough sockets to perform 4-5 simultaneous data transfers, so it will help if you limit your FTP client to this many parallel requests.
  • Cutting-edge graphics.

Supported Commands

  • ABOR
  • ALLO (no-op)
  • APPE
  • CDUP
  • CWD
  • DELE
  • FEAT
  • HELP
  • LIST
  • MDTM
  • MKD
  • MLSD
  • MLST
  • MODE (no-op)
  • NLST
  • NOOP
  • OPTS
  • PASS (no-op)
  • PASV
  • PORT
  • PWD
  • QUIT
  • REST
  • RETR
  • RMD
  • RNFR
  • RNTO
  • SIZE
  • STAT
  • STOR
  • STRU (no-op)
  • SYST
  • TYPE (no-op)
  • USER (no-op)
  • XCUP
  • XCWD
  • XMKD
  • XPWD
  • XRMD

Planned Commands

  • STOU

by mtheall.

Que novedades incluye la versión 3.1.0


  • Access Point mode on Switch
  • Reset button for configuration
  • Update to Dear ImGui 1.83
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience

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