Install your NSP directly on Switch with Tinfoil without using your PC.
Tinson creates for you a JSON file for Tinfoil, the NSP installer for Nintendo Switch. You can insert as many NSP (hosted on Google Drive) as you want and install them directly on Switch.
This is a better and revisioned version of Tinson. This version doesn't require a server with PHP but can be hosted on Heroku (or Glitch) completely free.
Getting Started
I've already build a Tinson instance on Heroku. If you want you can directly use my demo version or you can just clone my project and install it in your Heroku account.
That's my demo version: Tinson ?
How to use it
Well it's pretty easy. There're three steps in total to follow.
- Register/Login (the registration is just for search your NSPs list later. Tinson creates a record in MongoDB with a unique value which is name + password in base64).
- Add some Google Drive links to your dashboard.
- Copy the link in your dashboard (should be something like and insert it in Tinfoil's file browser.
Tinfoil will auto upload the file if you'll insert new games in the list. So the 3rd step is required just for the first time.
The only prerequisites are:
- A Nintendo Switch with Homebrew access
- Tinfoil installed
Create your own Tinson ?
If you don't want to use directly my version you can replicate my project in just 3 steps (again... 3 must be the perfect number):
- Create an Heroku account
- Clone my project and create an Heroku application with it.
- Install the add-on mLab MongoDB.
If you don't know how to do this I recommend the Heroku documentation which is pretty clear and easy to follow.