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ps3mca-tool - PS3 Memory Card Adaptor Software 1.93

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 This project aim to create a PC command line tool for the PlayStation 3   Memory Card Adaptor allowing users to manage their PS2 memory cards and   more, like building a FMCB like hack directly from the PC.

 * Windows prerequisites for using the adaptor

 Download the drivers: ps3mca-windrv.

 Unpack it, to your desktop for example. Connect your Memory Card Adaptator  to your computer, and when Windows ask yourself to install driver for this  device, point it to the folder where you extracted the drivers.

 * Note to Linux OSes users

 libusb provides the possibility to code usb drivers from userspace, so in  order to access your device, the program needs to be run with root  permissions.

 The linux build provided in this package is i686-linux-gnu build, depending  on you distribution you'll may need to rebuild the binary from the sources  available on our git repository.

 * How to format your memory card with the adaptor

 Windows users:
  - double-click the mc-format.bat file to execute it.

 Linux users:
  - execute the mc-format.sh script with root permissions.

 * How to install the hack with the adaptor

 Windows users:
  - double-click the full-install.bat file to execute it.

 Linux users:
  - execute the full-install.sh script with root permissions.

 * Copyright (C) 2011 - jimmikaelkael <jimmikaelkael@wanadoo.fr>
 * Copyright (C) 2011 - "someone who wants to stay anonymous"

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