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PSC lolhack

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With this hack, we can open emulator tools in game by pressing select and triangle.

  1. Format usb drive with capacity of 16gb or greater to fat32 and name device "SONY".
  2. Copy files from step 1 of this repo to the drive.
  3. Wait around 10-15 mins while psc copies original game files to usb drive. (helps to have activity indicator on usb drive). might take longer, as we're transferring over 16gb worth of games to the drive.
  4. When done, shutdown psc and remove the power cable from back.
  5. Plug usb into PC, and you should see directories 1-20 in root of usb drive.
  6. Use a sql lite editor (https://sqlitebrowser.org/) to edit the game database in databases/region.db to add extra games.
  7. Place game folders in root of drive, numbered 21, 22, 23, etc.
  8. Take lolhack from step 2 of this repo and replace one on drive.
  9. Put drive back into the psc, plug it in and power it up.
  10. You should now be running games off usb drive.

Make sure you highlight a game that was stock on psc before removing usb drive, will cause psc to crash. When you remove usb, the psc will return to stock :-)

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