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SFML Switch Port 2.3

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This is a Switch port of the SFML libraries


Before building, you must have devKitPro setup.

You only need libNX to build, but you need these libraries to link against:

  • OpenAL / MojoAL
  • SDL2 (if using MojoAL)
  • LibNX
  • FLAC
  • Vorbis libraries
  • LibOGG
  • Mesa
  • LibPNG
  • ZLib
  • Nouveau DRM driver
  • GLAD
  • BZip2


Make build directory:

mkdir build

Run CMake to generate makefile:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/toolchains/DevkitA64Libnx.cmake

Build binaries:

make -j 8

Static libraries were generated in the lib/ folder.


I usually copy the .a libraries to $DEVKITPRO/portlibs/switch/lib after to simplify using the lib.

by TomBebb.

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