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Nutrak 0.18

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Program for conversion tracks created by hidden tracklog of nuvi 2xx and 7xx. Converts tracks into *.gpx files. Nutrak doesn't support new nuvis, which are able to save hidden tracklog directly into gpx format. Download includes GUI version, command line version and GPL sources.

Program accept following input options:

  nutrak [-c] [-o] [-m] [-t seconds] [-p path] [input_file]


  •   -c - write course into gpx file
  •   -m - write miliseconds into gpx file
  •   -t - add time offset in seconds to date
  •   -o - overwrite files
  •   -p - path for output file


As an input_file one can provide input directory like nuvi \Garmin\Logs. In this case wNutrak will convert all *.bin files from this directory and from all subdirectories one level below.

Program will write in supplied directory gpx file or files with name depending on track creation date. Output file is compatible with Mapsource and gpsbabel. Options -c and -m are incompatible with Mapsource.

by Andrzej Popowski.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.18


  • simpler text formatting and course at the end

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