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4K Video to MP3

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4K Video to MP3 extracts audio from any video. No annoying and complicated settings to deal with, just a clean, simple and functional interface. Add the video and get the MP3! Just click 'Add Video' and choose a video file. Then close your eyes and enjoy high-quality MP3 audio!

No toolbars, no adware, no malware. And best of all it's Free Video to MP3 converter! Enjoy your audio anywhere, any time, on your computer or on your portable device!


  • Save your time by uploading multiple videos and create queue for conversion to MP3
  • Extract audio in MP3, M4A or OGG up to 320 kbps
  • iTunes transfer: Move converted files directly to iTunes library.
  • Built-in player: Listen to music you converted right from the application.
  • High speed conversion: Turn your videos to audio fast.
  • Original quality: Extract audio only in the best possible quality.
  • Stability: No hanging or crashing, just smooth converting.

glav 13.01.11.jpg

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