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Switch Army Knife (SAK - Ex NSP FAT32 splitter) 0.7.14

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Switch Army Knife es una aplicación para Windows que nos permite con el contenido de Switch que está en formato .XCI o .NSP.


  • Separar / unir XCI
  • Actualizar XCI con las actualizaciones de los juegos
  • Convertir XCI a NSP
  • Comprimir XCI a XCZ
  • Descomprimir XCZ a XCI
  • Extraer los archivos de la actualización de firmware desde XCI
  • Parchear NSP para un firmware inferior
  • Separar / unir NSP
  • Covertir NSP a XCI
  • Comprimir NSP a NSZ
  • Descomprimir NSZ a NSP
  • Extraer partidas guardadas de los juegos de Switch que hemos copiado desde la partición de usuario
  • Formatear tarjeta SD en FAT32


The general rule:
All files are always created in the folder of SAK.

Only XCI + NSP files> = 4GB are accepted for splitting.
All <4GB makes that split no sense! ?

For XCI split:
XCI can be split in full size or trimmed.
Trimmed means that the empty space will be removed at the end.
This gives a small storage space gain for the XCI image.

The new file name will be supplemented with "_splitted".

Can also be split directly to the μSD card via USB reader.

Merge XCI applies:
Extensions.xc0 and .xci.00 are accepted

Update XCI with Games Update applies:
Your dumped game as XCI and the latest update as NSP

Converting to NSP for XCI:
keys.dat / prod.keys is required

The converted NSP files will now be renamed automatically.
(Game, Update and DLC)

NSP can now also be split directly for FAT32.
Here is the same, as in the next point.

For XCI compress to XCZ:
keys.dat / prod.keys is required
As you get from your switch, look over here

Decompress for XCZ to XCI:
keys.dat / prod.keys is required

For unpacking firmware applies:
keys.dat / prod.keys is required
File must be in XCI

For NSP on low FW patche:
keys.dat / prod.keys is required
File must be in NSP

Split for NSP:
The split files are stored in a folder with consecutive numbers.
As reference for the folder name, the current NSP file name is taken and supplemented with "splitted"

Can now be split directly to the μSD card via USB reader.

The archive bit is set automatically.

In the event that the archive bit should have been lost by a manual transfer,
With NX-Shell there is the possibility to do this on the switch.

For NSP merge applies:
Your split NSP (00).
All others are automatically selected.

For Convert NSP to XCI, the following applies:
only games supported
keys.dat / prod.keys is required

For NSP to NSZ compress:
keys.dat / prod.keys is required

For decompressing NSZ to NSP, the following applies:
keys.dat / prod.keys is required

Extract for Saves applies:
keys.dat / prod.keys is required
Your save folder from the user partition (HacDiskMount or via Homebrew Tool)

About Extract FW from XCI:
The unpacked firmware, you can use with ChoiDujourNX - A FW Update Installer to update your switch.

by dezem.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.7.14


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