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Incognito 1.5

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Wipes some personal information from your Nintendo Switch by removing it from PRODINFO.


  • It enables your switch can go online while worrying slightly less about a ban.
  • It prevents malicious homebrew applications from stealing your personal certificate.


This application does not remove all personal information from your Switch, and should not be treated as a true preventative measure against getting banned.

Always have a NAND backup. I am not responsible for any bricks or bans. Use at your own risk, as this is an experimental program.

This application backs up your PRODINFO to the SD root. You should keep this backup in a more secure location, and not leave it on the SD card where malicious applications can read it.

by Blawar.

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.5


  • Recompiled for HOS 9.0.0

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