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Switch GBA Emulator 1.0.2

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Browser based Nintendo Switch GBA Emulator.

Homebrewing / Hacking a switch is too much of a dangerous affair for me personally and after learning there is a browser I tried to get it running in there. Turns out it is (sort of) possible.

  • Preview (UI is changed now)

This project is meant as an experiment of what is possible and not to be used commercially. This is a hobby project and therefore I won't commit to offering help / maintaining / updating this project unless I choose to do so.

  • Information / How it's done

Planned features

  • [Done] Save states
  • [Done] Gamepad API

Button Layout

Thanks to the Gamepad API I was able to remove most of the onscreen buttons and enable hardware button support.

controls (1).png


The emulator in it's entirety is ready to be pulled as a docker image. It runs on and exposes port 8888 by default.

Docker Images

Latest release

Latest master (possibly unstable)

Latest dev (most likely unstable)

Older release

I'm not distributing any roms, so you will have to make a folder roms with your .gba files directly in it.


docker run -d -v $(pwd)/roms:/home/roms/ --name switch-gba -p 8888:8888 bfriedrichs/switch-gba:release-latest

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.0.2


  • Added custom button layouts
  • Code restructuring

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