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Playstation 1 Memory Card Manager 1.0.0

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This tool will allow you to manage your game saves from a Playstation 1 Memory Card on your Windows PC.

You can:

  • Read from or write to a real Playstation 1 Memory Card using the official Playstation 3 Memory Card USB Adaptor.
  • Load a Memory Card from multiple file format (*.mc *.mcr *.mcd *.mcx *.gme)
  • Save a Memory Card to *.mc file format.
  • Export a single save file to *.mcs file format.
  • Import a single save file to the currently loaded Memory Card from *.mcs or *.bin file format.
  • Delete a single save or create a brand new formated Memory Card.

In order to use the Playstation 3 Memory Card USB Adaptor on your PC, you must install the provided USB driver.

Double click on the installation program "USB Driver for PS3 Memory Card Adaptor.exe" and follow the instructions.
This driver is compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, either 32bits or 64bits !

The USB Driver was made using the libusbK dev kit.

by OrionSoft.

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