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VitOut 2.0

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Try to destroy all the bricks as fast as possible and with the least lives lost.

Bricks with darker core need 2-6 hits to be destoyed
Bricks with one solid color dissapear with one hit

In the level selector is the highscore per level visible (in the gif example lvl 6 has 3 golden balls and lvl 5 has no score yet)


Special Thanks to:

  • Vitadev Package manager for releasing the SDK
  • I would like to thank the developers of Vita3K to help me create my content at a faster pace.

by Dane64.

No te pierdas nada, síguenos en Twitter o Mastodon!
Preguntas, aportes y peticiones en el foro.
Si te sirve lo que hacemos, ayúdanos con el mantenimiento de la web con una donación vía Paypal.

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