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Mario Kart 8 primary userland exploit for the WiiU

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Actual implementation (base ROP chain to ACE) of the exploit Kinnay found in the WiiU version of Mario Kart 8. Running this will boot the homebrew launcher.


    • A WiiU
    • Two NNIDs logged into your WiiU
    • A computer logged on the same network than the console

    README, for real

    • The exploit may not work on the first try (~85% success rate)
    • Do not run any homebrew using memory before launching MK8 (like TCPGecko, Cafiine or Diibugger)

    How to use

    1. Edit exploit.py and fill in your Nintendo Network IDs + console informations
    2. Edit main_exploit.py and edit the local computer IP
    3. Run make to build the payload0 binary (you need devkitPro + devkitPPC)
    4. Go on your WiiU, log on the victim NNID
    5. Open MK8, go online and host a private match, stay in the "earth menu", make sure you're alone in the room
    6. Start stage0.py and press ENTER (leave it in the background), then start main_exploit.py and press ENTER
    7. Wait for the game to reboot and rehost a private match, stay in the "earth menu", make sure you're alone in the room
    8. Start stage1.py and press ENTER (leave it in the background), then start main_exploit.py and press ENTER
    9. It should open the HOME Menu, return to the WiiU Menu, and tadaa, magic, you're on the HBL


    • Kinnay for the Nintendo Clients library that allows use to communicate with NEX game servers and its protocols.
    • Maschell for working with me on this exploit (and being as addicted as i was doing this), there was a lot of co-operation
    • Rambo6Glaz / NexoCube / TheBrick for working on this, and all the chains here.
    • wiiu-env for the payload_loader that's inside payload0/main_hook.h

    by NexoDevelopment.

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