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SignaPic YasUI 1.0.0

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SignaPic YasUI is a simple tool to generate your own YSMenu Theme/Skin, with the following features that may not exist in most YSMenu Theme/Skin Editor :

  1. SAVE/LOAD Theme/Skin Project
  2. FINALIZE Theme/Skin Project for distribution
  3. AUTO SLICE Image (No more hassle manually cropping images to get them "seamless")
  4. WIDECUT Image (Scale image to longer length of screen size)
  5. AUTO TEXT COLORING (Detect text coloring based on used image)
  6. MANUAL MODE (You can decide what upper and lower image and text color yourself)
  7. DOWNLOAD YSMenu Theme/Skin from Database Collections
  8. SUBMIT your own Theme/Skin created with SignaPic Yasui, so anyone can use it


by cimo95.

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