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Trophy Manager 1.0.0

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This app allows you to preview the trophies and their status for each game and delete trophies as desired.


This Homebrew could help you delete the game trophies you won't like to synch.


Everytime a trophy Is deleted, the trophy app/bubble must be launched to update the trophy db, we highly recomend you to disable the wifi in the PS Vita before launching the trophy app/bubble for this matter.

Changelog 1.00

-Initial Version.


Trophy Manager does recognize the accept/cancel buttons according to console region.

Main Screen

  • Square: Multi Selection.
  • Start: Delete selected trophies.
  • Select: Sort List: Title, Progress.


Trophy Screen

  • Square: To preview details for a hidden trophy.
  • Select: Sort List: Trophyid, Unlocked, Hidden.


This app Is based from Trophax app, but Trophy Manager does not unlock trophies.



  • Silica for his Trophax app
  • Graphics By WZ-JK.


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