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Playstation 4 Save Mounter 1.8

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This program allows you to mount save data as READ/WRITE

You can

  • Make decrypted copies of your saves
  • Replace saves with modified ones
  • Replace save files with someonelse's save files (share saves)
  • Create new saves

You can't

  • Replace save files with an encrypted save
  • Use this on unexploited consoles

You need

  • To make sure you're using a recent ps4debug version, bin of the latest ps4debug (as of 11/14) is included in the download
  • To be able to run .net framework 2.0 executables (even windows 98 is able to do this)



  • PS4 5.05-7.55
  • FTP Client (eg filezilla, ...)

Instructions (mouting existing saves)

  1. Load ps4debug
  2. Start a game
  3. Load FTP
  4. Open the tool
  5. Enter the ip of your ps4 and click 'Connect'
  6. Click 'Get Processes' and select your game in the combobox
  7. Click 'Setup'
  8. Click 'Search'
  9. Select the save you want to mount in the combobox
  10. Select the mount permission in the combobox (default is READ ONLY)
  11. Click 'Mount'
  12. Your save is now mounted and accessible from ftp in /mnt/pfs/ & in /mnt/sandbox/{title}/savedataX (it's the same just a different dir)
  13. After you're done copying/replacing files click 'Unmount'

don't replace files in sce_sys directory, it is unnecessary and will probably corrupt your save

Some games use another save format, they have an sce_ prefix in their name (saves can be found in /user/home/{userid}/savedata/{titleid} check the name there). they won't show up as search results
This can probably be patched but I was too lazy

Here's a workaround

  1. go to /user/home/{userid}/savedata/{titleid}
  2. make a copy of the sce save: 2 files, the bin file(96KB), the sdimg file
  3. rename them
    "sce_sdmemory.bin" -> "temp.bin"
    "sdimg_sce_sdmemory" -> "sdimg_temp"
  4. go to /system_data/savedata/{userid}/db/user and download the database.db file
  5. open it with an sqlite editor
  6. add a new record in the savedata table
  7. fill in the data and you're done
  8. replace the original database with the newer one
  9. Click 'Search' again, it should now add a temp entry to the combobox
  10. proceed as usual
  11. go to /user/home/{userid}/savedata/{titleid}
    • delete the original sce_sdmemory.bin and sdimg_sce_sdmemory
    • rename temp.bin to sce_sdmemory.bin and temp to sdimg_sce_sdmemory
  12. replace the modified database with the original one
  13. you're done


  • Aida
  • ChendoChap


  • golden

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.3.1   See changelog


No hay lista de cambios disponible para esta versión.

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