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Xash3D FWGS Engine 0.4

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Xash3D Engine is a custom Gold Source engine rewritten from scratch. Xash3D is compatible with many of the Gold Source games and mods and should be able to run almost any existing singleplayer Half-Life mod without a hitch. The multiplayer part is not yet completed, multiplayer mods should work just fine, but bear in mind that some features may not work at all or work not exactly the way they do in Gold Source Engine.

Xash3D FWGS is a fork of Xash3D Engine, which aims on crossplatform and compatibility with original Xash3D and Gold Source.

by DataMats.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.4


  • All the nro's have been renamed to ease the process of adding new games and making it easier to port new dlls, please delete all the half-life-*.nro's
  • The game switching implementation should be a lot more flexible now and you should be able to keep the nro's where you want as long as you keep them together
  • Mods should now work as expected as long as they do not contain custom entities / weapons or other specialized code put in a dll file
  • Opposing force should be fixed
  • Various fixes and improvements to stability

Note: There are still performance issues, so do not expect a stable fps at 60

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