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PES 2021 Ftex Converter 2.0

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You can convert ftex to dds to dds to ftex with this program. tek yapman˝z gereken dosyalar˝n˝ programda yer alan  all you have to do is drop the files on the ftex or dds panel in the program.

This program does not convert DX10 formats to other formats dxt5 dxt1 etc ... it just extracts the dds inside the ftex files.


Usage (convert from FTEX to DDS)

  1. Open the Program.
  2. Drag and drop the ftex file onto the FTEX panel.
  3. will be created dds in the where the ftex  is located.

Usage (convert from DDS to FTEX)

  1. Open the Program.
  2. Select your ftex version found at the top of the program.
  3. Drag and drop the dds file onto the DDS panel.
  4. will be created ftex in the where the dds is located.

by Devil Cold52.

Que novedades incluye la versión 2.0


  • Added to Texture converter
    • convert to dds from .png .jpg .bmp .dds .tga TO DDS (DXT1, RGBA, DXT1NormalMap, DXT1BinaryAlpha, DXT3, DXT5, DXT5NormalMap, ATI1, ATI2-3DC)
    • convert from .png .jpg .bmp .dds .tga to png (8bits (Indexed),24bits, 32bits, Normal bits)
  • Fixed DDS normal mipmap
  • Removed "created_" or "extracted_" part
  • added menu bar to use plugins
  • minor bugs fixed

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