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A remote code execution exploit against the game Morita Shogi 64 for the Nintendo 64.


There are some dependencies:

sudo apt-get install python2
sudo apt install python-pip
sudo pip install sh
sudo pip install pyserial


Compile your stage 3 payload (entry-point at offset 0 in the binary), and then run the below command:

sudo python shogihax.py /dev/ttyACM0 payload/stage2.bin payload/stage3.bin

To trigger the exploit from the N64, select the bottom menu item, then the top menu item.

You can also specify a custom stage 2 payload (exploit can be configured to use up to 0x1000 bytes for that stage), or just use the default, which downloads and executes stage 3 from 0x80000400.

by CTurt and ppcasm.

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