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CRI File System Tools 2.50.03

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 * CRI Middleware SDK
 * Copyright (c) 2016 CRI Middleware Co., Ltd.
 * Title   : CRI File System tools
 * Module  : Release Notes
 * File    : release_crifstools_e.txt
 * Date    : 2016-03-10
 * Version : 2.50.03

 * [Table of Contents]
 * 1.  About CRI File System Tools
 * 2.  Version Information
 * 3.  Tool Package
 * 4.  System Requirements
 * 5.  Notes
 *   5.1 Known problems

1.  About CRI File System Tools
"CRI File System tools" is a tool package for creating files used by 
the CRI File System library.
CRI File System tools package comes with the following components:

(a) "CPK File Builder"
A Windows GUI version of CPK file making tool.
This tool is an advanced verison of "CRI Packed File Maker", and it has 
a number of higher-level features.
Various operations such as, organizing files and directories, configuring 
compression settings, and optimizing file locations, are supported.

(b) "CRI Packed File Maker"
A simple GUI version of CPK file making tool.
A CPK file can easily be created simply by dragging and dropping the folder
containing files.

(c) Console Version of "CRI Packed File Maker"
A console program for "CRI Packed File Maker".
Define files in a CSV file that are packed into a CPK file, and then start 
the tool specifying the CSV file as a command line option.

(d) CPK File Making Tool 'MakeCpk' for Excel
A tool that can create a CPK file directly within the Excel worksheet.
A CPK file can easily be created by defining a file list in the worksheet 
and clicking the button.

(e) cpkencryptor
A console program to encrypt the content files contained in the CPK file that
is built with CPK File Builder etc.
This tool extracts content files from the existent CPK file, specifying 
those files as encryption target, and then encrypts them with user's own 
encryption tool.

2.  Version Information
(1) Tool Package
  CRI File System tools                 : Ver.2.50.03

(2) Tools
  (a) CPK File Builder                  : Ver.1.49.34
  (b) CRI Packed File Maker             : Ver.2.40.13
  (c) CRI Packed File Maker for Console : Ver.2.49.32
  (d) MakeCpk(Excel)                    : Ver.1.00.03

(*) denotes the updated tool.

3. Tool Package
This tool package includes the following tools and documentation.

(1) Executables
  (a) CpkFileBuilder.exe                  : CPK File Builder
  (b) CriPackedFileMaker.exe              : CRI Packed File Maker
  (c) cpkmakec.exe                        : CRI Packed File Maker for Console

(2) Execubale sub-files
  (a) CpkMaker.dll                        : Common sub-modules
  (b) CpkBinder.dll                       : Common sub-modules
  (c) CpkMakerControl.dll                 : CPK File Builder sub-modules
  (d) ja-JP/CpkFileBuilder.resources.dll  : CPK File Builder jpn-resource

(3) Excel files
  (a) MakeCpk_e.xsl                       : Excel file for MakeCpk
     (Its manual and samples/tutorials are included in the excel file.)

(4) Documents
  (a) release_crifstools_e.txt            : Release notes (this file)
  (b) history_crifstools_e.txt            : Revision history
  (c) CRI_File_System_e.chm               : User's manual

For tool's usage, please see the manual "CRI File System tools user's manual"

4.  System Requirements
(1) CRI File System Tools Environment
CRI File Systemn tools run on the following environment:

    PC              : IBM PC compatible 
    OS              : Windows 7 / 8.1 (x86 or x64)
    .NET Framework  : .NET Framework 4.0 or 4.5

CRI File System tools are built for the .NET Framework 4.0.
However, it runs on the .NET Framework 4.5 environment.
If .NET Framework 4.5 is already installed, there's no need to additonally 
install the .NET Framework 4.0.
CRI File System tools are 32-bit applications but can run on 64-bit OS.

(2) Getting the .NET Framework
You can get the .NET Framework from the following website.

    - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

/*--< end of file >---------------------------------------------------------*/


Que novedades incluye la versión 2.50.03   See changelog


No hay lista de cambios disponible para esta versión.

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