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Pelisalacarta Community Edition

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Pelisalacarta is a program that makes easy to watch movies and series on the net from your TV, using a remote controller instead of browsing websites. It is not a media player, but something like an "extension" or "plugin" to some of the most popular media center and video player programs

Most popular streaming websites are linked in pelisalacarta as if they were "channels", so you can browse easily within their sections using the front-end of your favorite media center and your remote. Also Pelisalacarta recognises most of the servers where the videos are hosted, making the experience of having all at hand very complete.

The plugin is compatible with Plex, Kodi, XBMC, Cli and Boxee.

Take a look at how it works in this video:

by Jesús.

Que novedades incluye la versión Community Edition   See changelog


No hay lista de cambios disponible para esta versión.

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