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ApplyPPF 3.0

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ApplyPPF is part of the commandline distribution of the PPF3.0 tools and is used to apply PPF files to binfiles. ApplyPPF3 can handle PPF1.0, PPF2.0 and PPF3.0 patches. It will recognize them automatically so you don't have to worry about this. It can also be used to undo a PPF3.0 patch. (Only if undo-data is available of course).

How to use ApplyPPF ?

It is (still) very simple to apply a PPF2.0 patch to a binfile. Here is a commandline example to patch a binfile called "game.bin"

ApplyPPF3.exe a game.bin patch.ppf

Command "a" is used for applying a patch.
If you want to undo a PPF3.0 patch in case undo data is included type the

ApplyPPF3.exe u game.bin patch.ppf

Command "u" is used for undo patch.


If a bin can't be verified the following warning may occour:

1. "The size of the bin file isn't correct, continue ? (y/n): "
   - This warning should not be taken too seriously as the filesize check
     isn't really reliable. One more reason for me not to include this one
     in PPF3.0 anymore. This caused alot more trouble than helped to verify.

2. "Binblock/Patchvalidation failed. continue ? (y/n): "
   - This warning *IS* actually very accurate and i suggest if you see this
     cancel for once and check everything (PPF & BIN) once again.

3. "Error: no undo data available"
   - If you see this errormessage you probably wanted to undo a PPF3.0 patch.
     This message is self explaining. There is NO chance to undo the patch if
     the patch creator did not include undo data.

Final words

You can find precompiled ApplyPPF versions for you favorite OS as they are: Win32, Linux (Redhat) and MAX OS-X.


- Win32 version was compiled on a PC using Visual C++ by Microsoft Corp.
- Linux version was compiled on Redhat linux 7.0 using gcc.
- Mac version was compiled on and for MAC OS-X.

by Icarus / Paradox.

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