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414 archivos

  1. Quark

    Quark es un cliente de ordenador para Goldleaf, reemplazo de Goldtree.
    Está creado en Java y es compatible con Windows, Linux y macOS. Tiene una elegante interfaz de usuario de estilo Material, con la que puede interactuar mientras el USB se maneja en segundo plano.
    Quark es una aplicación creada por XorTroll.
  2. R3iNX

    A modular Switch custom firmware, fork of ReiNX.
    Put R3iNX folder on the root of your switch's SD card and run R3iNX.bin with your favorite fusee launcher.
    Modularity (doesn't rely on or require any SD files to run; customize SD files to your liking) Loads all KIPs from /R3iNX/sysmodules/ directory Optional custom kernel/secmon/warmboot FS patches on the fly (NCA verify/cmac and optional nogc) Kernel patches on the fly (optional debug mode) Exclusive R3iNX sysmodules ES patch in RXP patch format (used with custom loader.kip) Credits:
    Naehrwert for hardware init code and generally being helpful! CTCaer and st4rk for their contribution to the hardware code aswell! SciresM for sysmodules! The community for your support! by D3fau4.
  3. R4S Firmware

    Firmware for R4S Dongle (UF2 file).
    For Atmosphere, ReinX, SX OS and any third payload custom firmware.
  4. RajNX

    Simply the BEST and most USER-FRIENDLY free Nintendo Switch CFW EVER!
    Extract the contents of the zip onto the root of your microSD (overwriting everything when prompted), then run rajnx_ipl.bin using TegraRcmSmash or whatever USB payload injector you have !
    Select "Launch firmware" from the menu, select the appropriate profile, and you should be good to go !
  5. RandPlayNX

    A simple homebrew tool for NX to help you start a random game from your game library. Hope this time you can actually play your games without the need of a painful choice. ^___^
    Tested with FW 10.0.2, CFW atmosphére 0.12.0.

    How to use:
    First of all, count all your games at your Switch library. You can do it faster by counting lines at the All Games screen first, then multiple it by 6, adding the additional X<6 games if needed. So, you have 128 games installed for example. (No more than 3000 games, please. ^^) Launch the app, press A. Enter the total amount of your games (128). Maroon is the number of horizontal lines to skip at All Games screen, Yellow number is the number of the actual game to play on the next row. Press B and run your game that was chosen by a Random God! ^_^ (Well, forsooth, it's a rand() seeded by your local timestamp.) by JrRadiant.
  6. RCMloader One Firmware

    Firmware para el dongle RCMloader One.
    The ability to disable the payload change function in case of low battery, to avoid damaging the files of the USB key. The change of the method of detecting the state of charge of the battery. The LED will flash when the USB flash drive reads and writes. The update of the instructions for updating the firmware Installation:
    Download the firmware file  Unzip the firmware file. Connect the RCMloader to your computer via the MicroUSB cable. Copy the IAP folder to the root of the USB flash drive. the file like this, USB DRIVE: \ IAP \ FIRMWARE.BIN. Disconnect the MicroUSB cable. Reconnect the MicroUSB cable, the RCMloader will automatically upgrade in 3 seconds, then the IAP folder in USB DRIVE should be automatically removed.
  7. RCMReboot

    RCMReboot by hippy dave. Reboots your Switch into RCM. Clever name, I know.
    natinusala & ctcaer pointed out that Atmosphere's method to reboot to RCM, and therefore the method used by this app, does not properly shutdown HOS so there is some unquantified risk of file corruption. Still use at your own risk on fat32, but just don't use it on exfat please.
    Intended for use on Switches that don't have AutoRCM installed.
    This uses a new feature added to exosphere in Atmosphere 0.8.1, so it won't work in other CFWs unless they add it in a compatible way. Also Atmosphere 0.8.1 got a silent update with a bug fix to get this feature working, so if you already downloaded it before sometime on 1st Dec you might need to update it again (if it crashes with an orange screen instead of going to RCM, you need to update). There's a commit hash in the filename, make sure you have atmosphere-0.8.1-master-bd76e73 (or if you're living in the future, Atmosphere 0.8.2 or higher will be fine too). It sounds like it currently only works if you load Atmosphere using fusee-primary.bin, not if you use hekate to load Atmosphere as separate files (using hekate to load fusee-primary.bin is ok). This will likely be fixed when hekate is updated.
    There are two versions included in the zip, each available as an .nro (put it in its folder inside the "switch" folder on the root of your sd card) and as an installable .nsp (install with the stupidly-named installer of your choice).
    - RCMRebootInstant will reboot to RCM as soon as it loads. - RCMReboot will give you a 5 second countdown with a chance to change your mind. The reason RCMReboot is a much bigger file than the Instant version is that I used cpasjuste's cross2d library to put stuff on screen, mostly because I've been using it for the other project I'm working on and it saved me time. Sweet library, check it out.
    Credits to cpasjuste for the aforementioned cross2d, re.lax for nro2nsp (which uses hacbrewpack by the-4n), SciresM for Atmosphere, libnx, and for fixing the bugs in them I found while making this, and everyone else who worked on Atmosphere, libnx, devkitpro and all that good stuff.
    Source included for peace of mind, and in case of licence requirement. If I've got anything horribly wrong with licensing or credits just let me know. If you want to build it yourself you'll need libnx updated with the latest commit (which isn't in a release build at the time of writing), and to figure out the cross2d setup for the non-Instant version.
  8. re3-nx

    GTA 3 decompilation ported to the Nintendo Switch.
    The aim of this project is to reverse GTA III for PC by replacing parts of the game one by one such that we have a working game at all times.
    How to install:
    Place re3.nro inside /switch/re3/ (so its path should look like /switch/re3/re3.nro) on your SD Card Place GTA 3 PC files inside /switch/re3/ Create folder called userfiles inside /switch/re3/ (Optional but recommended) Extract gamefiles.zip into /switch/re3/ You can copy all files from the gta 3 folder and it will work, but the files/folders that are actually needed are:
    txd TEXT skins mp3 movies models data audio anim gta3.ini by AGraber.
  9. Reboot to RCM

    A small app to reboot 1.0 Switches into RCM mode
    Note: This will only work on 1.0, due to the PMC register space being blacklisted on 2.0+
    This is intended to be used with nspwn; you can find the details of that on the ReSwitched discord. Simply put the .nsp from the release on your SD card, change the path to point to it, run the nspwn script, then open the album application on the home menu. Your 1.0 Switch will then be rebooted into RCM mode.
    by pixel-stuck.
  10. Reicast for Switch

    This is a port for Switch of Reicast, a Sega Dreamcast emulator. It's an app that allows you to play your Dreamcast games on your computer or android phone. We've even baked in some magic to make things looks prettier than they did on the Dreamcast. Of course, not all games work, and the ones that do often have glitches
    Naturally, there are many other Dreamcast emulation projects, each with its own goals and priorities. Here's a non-exaustive list: Makaron, Demul, Redream, nullDC. If Reicast doesn't work for you, you may want to check these out.

  11. ReiNX

    The modular switch custom firmware
    Put ReiNX folder on the root of your switch's SD card and run ReiNX.bin with your favorite fusee launcher.
    Modularity (doesn't rely on or require any SD files to run; customize SD files to your liking) Loads all KIPs from /ReiNX/sysmodules/ directory Optional custom kernel/secmon/warmboot FS patches on the fly (NCA verify/cmac and optional nogc) Kernel patches on the fly (optional debug mode) Exclusive ReiNX sysmodules ES patch in RXP patch format (used with custom loader.kip) Credits:
    Naehrwert for hardware init code and generally being helpful!
    CTCaer and st4rk for their contribution to the hardware code aswell!
    SciresM for sysmodules!
    The community for your support!
  12. ReiNX Toolkit

    A toolkit to be used with the ReiNX CFW.
    Update the ReiNX CFW Toggle AutoRCM Kip manager Dump NAND/Cal0/Boot0/Boot1 Convert splash screen given a jpg/png/bmp to splash.bin Reboot / shutdown Credits:
    Calypso and Crusatyr for NAND functions fgsds for utilies code neonsea for kip manager and various other fixes/contributions The ReiSwitched community for being my beta testers!
  13. Rekado

    Rekado es un lanzador de Payloads de Nintendo Switch para Android escrito en Kotlin.
    La aplicación no necesita que tu dispositivo Android esté rooteado.
    Los payloads de SX Loader, ReiNX y Hekate vinenen incluídos de serie.
    Como usar Rekado
    Ejecuta la aplicación Busca un cable para conectar tu dispositivo con la Nintendo Switch. Para un correcto funcionamiento, debe de ser un cable diseñado para la transmisión de datos,  no solo para carga. Es recomendable usar un cable USB A-to-C y un adaptador USB OTG. En la categoría "Payloads", haz click en el botón "+" para seleccionar un payload precargado en el almacenamiento de nuestro dispositivo o simplemente transfiere tu payload a la carpeta Rekado en su memoria. O puedes usar uno de los payloads precargados (SX Loader, ReiNX o Hekate) Pon tu Nintendo Switch en modo RCM de la forma que creas conveniente. Tu consola se encenderá por si misma cuando se conecte, asegúrate de dejar pulsado el botón "Volumen +". Conecta el dispositivo Android a la Nintendo Switch y permite el acceso para el USB si es necesario. Espera hasta que el selector de payloads se abra y selecciona el que quieres cargar. Espera que el payload termine de cargarse en tu consola.

    Does application require Root?
    Application doesn't require Root on your device.
    Can it brick my device/console?
    This should not happen when using the "correct" payloads. But I am not responsible for possible problems.
    I want to help in Rekado's localization to my language, what should I do?
    Rekado's localization files placed in few places:
    \app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml \app\src\main\res\values\arrays.xml \konae\src\main\res\values\strings.xml You should translate it. Files marked with translatable="false" should not be included in your localization. After finishing create Pull request and your localization will be added in Rekado.
    DavidBuchanan314 for creating NXLoader. ealfonso93 for contributing in this project. unbranched for Italian localization.
  14. Ren'Py for Nintendo Switch

    Ren'Py is a visual novel engine that is written using Python.
    File Formats
    It is highly recommended that you use the following file formats:
    WebP for image assets Opus/WebM for audio assets VP8/Opus/Matroska for video assets RPAv2 for game archives If these formats are not used, there is a possibility of the program working incorrectly or performance being impacted.
    Free tools such as FFmpeg, cwebp, and ImageMagick are available to convert file formats.
    rpatool can be used to create and merge RPA files, and also convert to RPAv2 format.
    The file format can be changed without changing the file extension, so no script (rpy file) changes are needed.
    The file example.png can be in the WebP file format without changing the filename to example.webp.
    RomFS Integration
    To integrate the game into one single nro file, place game files in a folder named romfs, and build as described in the "Building" section.
    NOTE: If you do not compile the py and rpy files to pyo and rpyc respectively by running the game at least once on a read-write file system, the loading time required until the title screen is seen will be increased.
    The py_compile module can be used to compile py files to pyo.
    Example usage of this module:
    find . -name \*.py -exec python -O -m py_compile {} \;
    File system layout
    The following files or folders are required to be in the same directory as the .nro or in RomFS:
    lib.zip - contains the Python stdlib, Ren'Py modules, pygame_sdl2 modules, and libnx binding modules. renpy - contains the common directory used by Ren'Py. renpy.py - startup script for Ren'Py. game - contains the game files. This is where you place the game. libnx bindings
    Ren'Py for Nintendo Switch supports mostly complete libnx bindings.
    The bindings are generated by SWIG.
    by uyjulian.
  15. reNXpack

    reNXpack is a tool for repacking Nintendo Switch nsps to work on lower firmwares.
    Repack games, updates and dlcs with lowest encryption keys Convert titlekey encrypted ncas to standard encrypted ncas Patch required firmware version and required application version to zero Support nsps containing multiple games, updates and dlcs Usage
    You should load your keyset file with -k or --keyset option followed by a path to it or place your keyset file with "keys.dat" filename in the same folder as reNXpack.
    Required keys are:
    header_key: NCA Header Key key_area_key_application_xx: Application key area encryption keys titlekek_xx: Title key encryption keys By default, Created nsp files are located in the same folder as reNXpack with 'titleid_reNXpack.nsp' filename
    You can change output directory with -o, --outdir option
    reNXpack creates "renxpack_extracted_nsp" folder as a temp directory, It deletes the directory content before and after conversion
    If you use -t, --tempdir option to choose a temporary directory, Make sure it's an empty directory and it's not the same as output directory otherwise reNXpack deletes it
    *nix: ./renxpack [options...] <path_to_file.nsp> Windows: .\renxpack.exe [options...] <path_to_file.nsp> Options: -k, --keyset Set keyset filepath, default filepath is ./keys.dat -h, --help Display usage -t, --tempdir Set temporary directory path -o, --outdir Set output directory path  
    reNXpack is based on hactool by SciresM.
    Thanks: SciresM, Rajkosto, Switch Brew.
    by The-4n.
  16. Replace album viewer with web browser

    his album title replacement gives you a more convenient way to open the web browser. Instead of changing the DNS settings or launching to a different homebrew application you can open the album icon to get to the built-in web browser. This also works while an existing application is already running.
    It also allows you to enter a URL manually by pressing X instead of having to search for it (press X again to exit the browser). If you need to use the album viewer again simply keep L pressed when clicking the icon.
    To install merge the atmosphere folder from the zip file with the existing folder on your SD card. The web folder contains the source code and does not need to be copied.
    by Nintendoes.
  17. Reset Parental Controls NX

    An easy way to change the pin for parental controls for the Nintendo Switch! (cfw required).
    What does it do
    Pressing (A) will launch the applet for changing the pin for parental controls. This can be used as a way to remove parental controls for those that have forgotten their pin. If you don't have parental controls enabled, then pressing (A) will enable them once you enter a pin. How to remove parental controls
    Go to system settings. Parental Controls. Change Settings (it will ask for the pin that you set using my app). Once the pin is entered, press (X) to remove parental controls!
    by ITotalJustice.
  18. RetroArch for Switch

    RetroArch is a frontend for emulators, game engines and media players.
    It enables you to run classic games on a wide range of computers and consoles through its slick graphical interface. Settings are also unified so configuration is done once and for all.
    RetroArch has advanced features like shaders, netplay, rewinding, next-frame response times, and more!
    Installation instructions
    You will need a Nintendo Switch capable of running homebrew for this to work.
    Download the RetroArch 7z file for Switch. Extract its contents and just drag and drop retroarch and the switch folder onto the root of the SD card. Open Hbmenu, and start RetroArch. IMPORTANT: Please start RetroArch Switch with a fresh install (in case you already had RetroNX installed before)
    and migrate savegames from /retroarch/cores/save{files, states} to the same folder on the new installation.
    OpenGL support Thanks to Mesa/Nouveau support, this Switch version comes with full-blown OpenGL support (thanks to fincsdev). This means that all of the advanced features available on the PC should be available on Switch as well! GLSL shaders should be supported, overlays are supported, and thanks to OpenGL support, we can use hardware-accelerated menus such as XMB/MaterialUI (with full thumbnail support, theming, etc). In addition to all this, it allows us to port libretro cores that require the use of OpenGL later in the future, such as Parallel N64, OpenLara, and potentially more like Reicast/PPSSPP/etc! Touchscreen support (for MaterialUI/etc) natinusala saw to it that this initial version received touchscreen support. Right now the DPI (Dots Per Inch) is kinda hardcoded for portable and not really meant for dock mode. This will be improved in the near future. Full networking support. Online multiplayer (with peer-to-peer and MITM matchmaking) should be available from Day One. Take note that performance of the core heavily matters in terms of the kind of quality you get out of your online experience, since the netplay implementation is rollback-based. Aside from multiplayer, you can also download cores, update assets, and all the features you would expect on the PC version. RetroAchievements support By registering an account at Retro Achievements and inputting your account details into RetroArch, you can obtain achievements for your games. Game scanning Scanning of your games should fully work, except for perhaps PS1 images right now. Split Joy-Con support If you go to Settings -> Input and enable Split Joy-Con (1 to 8), you can use a full Joy-Con as two separate controllers! Core downloader From Day One, it should be possible to download and update new cores as they arrive on a daily basis without even having to wait for the next RetroArch stable! Runahead support RetroArch Switch comes with runahead support from Day One! This is our game-changing feature that allows you to beat latency and even go beyond the fast response times of the original hardware. Performance of this feature is heavily dependent on the ‘performance’ level of the core and the Switch’s relative power. Try experimenting with cores, and don’t forget to turn it of for more demanding cores that balk under the pressure. Because RetroArch offers such a wide array of cores even for the same system, it’s entirely possible that one specific SNES or Genesis core is fast enough for the kind of runahead at x frames configuration that you are looking for. 44 Cores at Launch!

    This might just be the single biggest platform release at launch for a new platform ever for RetroArch! Right from day one, we are starting out of the gates on the Switch with over 44 libretro cores!
    So let us quickly go over them one by one –
    4DO – 3DO Libretro core. Try to enable the core option Threaded DSP (or a setting named something similar) for better performance. 2048 – A homebrew recreation of the 2048 puzzle game. Cannonball – An OutRun game engine recreation. Requires the original arcade ROMs in order to work. CrocoDS – An Amstrad CPC 6128 emulator. DOSBOX – MS-DOS/Windows 9x emulator. Performance may vary according to which game you are attempting to emulate. Final Burn Alpha – Arcade game emulator. Can emulate (among other examples) Capcom CPS1/CPS2/CPS3 games, Neo Geo, as well as other popular 80s/90s arcade systems. FCEUmm – Nintendo Famicom/NES emulator. Has some nice core options as well as good performance. fMSX – MSX emulator. FreeINTV – Intellivision emulator. Gambatte – Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator. Should be the fastest Game Boy core of all right now, as well as pretty accurate. Gearboy – Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator. Libretro core generously maintained and supported upstream by DrHelius, its original author. Gearsystem – Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator. Libretro core generously maintained and supported upstream byDrHelius, its original author. Genesis Plus GX – Sega Master System/Game Gear/Genesis/Mega Drive emulator. Should be more accurate than Picodrive and is many’s go-to Genesis/Mega Drive emulator. Libretro core maintained upstream by Eke-Eke. Handy – Atari Lynx emulator. MAME 2000 – Arcade emulator based on a 2000 snapshot version of MAME (version 0.36b). Is functionally similar/identical to iMAME4All. MAME 2003 – Arcade emulator based on a 2003 snapshot version of MAME (version 0.78). Is functionally similar/identical to MAME 0.72, except a bit more up-to-date and with some game-specific fixes implemented (as well as a speedup core option for Midway DCS games, such as the Mortal Kombat series). MAME 2003 Plus – Arcade emulator based on a 2003 snapshot version of MAME (version 0.78). Has everything MAME 2003 has, plus more backported game drivers and features. Mednafen NGP – SNK Neo Geo Pocket (Color) emulator. Mednafen PCE Fast – NEC PC Engine (CD) emulator. Mednafen Super-Grafx – NEC Super-Grafx (CD) emulator. Short-lived successor to the PC Engine with backward compatibility. Mednafen VB – Nintendo Virtual Boy emulator. Mednafen WonderSwan – Bandai WonderSwan/WonderSwan Color emulator. This portable handheld had a screen that ran at 75Hz, therefore V-Sync is disabled for this core. mGBA – Nintendo Game Boy Advance emulator. Actively maintained and improved by endrift. NEStopia – Nintendo Famicom/NES emulator known for its accuracy focus. Has plenty of features. Use NstDatabase.xml for additional game compatibility support. Libretro core maintained upstream by NEStopia Undead authors. NX Engine – Cave Story game engine recreation. use the original Cave Story/Doukutsu Monogatari in order for this to work. These files are needed here. O2EM – Magnavox Odyssey 2 emulator. PCSX ReARMed – Sony PlayStation 1 emulator. Comes with an updated Unai video renderer for better performance. Hints: you will want to turn on threaded video for this core for better performance. You can use the PSP PS1 BIOS for better performance. Picodive – Sega Genesis/Mega Drive emulator with 32X peripheral support. There is no Aarch64 dynarec so the dynarec for 32X might still be too slow. PocketCDG – Karaoke MP3 music player. PokeMini – Pokemon Mini emulator. PrBoom – Doom game engine source port. Can run at fixed framerates like 35/40/50/60fps. ProSystem – Atari 7800 emulator. QuickNES – Nintendo Famicom/NES emulator. Fastest NES emulator out of them all. Reminiscence – Flashback game engine recreation. SNES9x 2010 – Super Famicom/Nintendo emulator. Should be considerably faster than Snes9x mainline. SNES9x – Super Famicom/Nintendo emulator. Slower than Snes9x 2010 but has MSU-1 support among other improvements only available in upstream version. Maintained upstream by the original Snes9x devs like bearoso and OV2. Stella – Atari 2600 emulator. TGB Dual – Nintendo Game Boy / Game Boy Color emulator. Has a splitscreen multiplayer mode where gamepad 1 and 2 can play against each other successfully. Tyrquake – Quake 1 game engine. Runs in software renderer, no networking support (yet). VBA Next – Game Boy Advance emulator. Should have an option to multithread rendering which could potentially improve performance a lot. Vecx – Vectrex emulator. Early ’80s game console that rendered everything with wireframe polygons. VICE (x64) – Commodore 64 emulator. XRick – Game engine recreation/port of Rick Dangerous. Yabause – Sega Saturn emulator. Might be too slow for now. Hints
    In case PCSX ReARMed is running too slowly, go to Settings -> Video and enable Threaded Video. Threaded Video can also help with certain demanding shaders. Please note that Threaded Video can tend to introduce some judder to frame pacing which isn’t there with non-threaded video, so for all other cores you might want to leave this off. There is a fallback ‘switch’ video driver that you can switch to from OpenGL in case you experience some issue with a core using OpenGL. In case you do, please make sure to set the Menu Driver to ‘rgui’ then, since the ‘switch’ video driver doesn’t have working XMB/MaterialUI menu support. If you fail to do this, you would just get a black screen at startup and you would have to remove your retroarch.cfg config. Future plans
    m4xw already has a Parallel N64 core up and running on the Switch, however it’s currently quite slow and we really want to await the completion of this bounty (which amassed an impressive $1K in less than 6 days BTW!) before we include it.
    Beyond that, there is a new menu driver being developed called ‘ozone’ which looks highly promising, and you might see this becoming the default UI for the Switch port in the near future!
  19. RetroNX

    RetroNX - Libretro/RetroArch for Nintendo Switch
    Courtesy of m4xw
    For more information regarding RetroArch, the location/names of BIOS files, and compatibility with ROMs, please refer to the official Libretro documentation at:
    Use the sidebar under "Core Documentation" to read more about the core you're looking for.
    RetroNX Specific:
    To install, transfer the files as-is to the root of your Switch SD Card -- that is, 'retroarch_switch.nro' should be in /switch, and the main RetroArch directory should be in /retroarch.
    To update/add cores as they are released, place the respective .nro in /retroarch/cores/switch.
    For the cores that need BIOS files, the system directory to place them in is located at /retroarch/cores/system.
    For overlays, place a 1280x720px PNG formatted image with true transparency support (i.e. 32bit) in /retroarch/overlays; A good example would be the overlay images provided in most of the Stable Master or Unstable Nightly cores. Make sure it is named with respect to the name of the core in question, sans version number and such.
    E.x. An overlay for SNES9x 2010 whose core is represented in rgui as "SNES9x 2010 1.52.1" would be named "SNES9x 2010". Make sure there is no 'gradient transparency', or half-transparencies -- either a pixel is on or off, and there is no current support for non-whole transparency values. Currently, these are hardcoded and cannot be disabled. If you wish to disable an overlay currently in use, you must either (re)move the file, or name it to something not matching any core.
    DISCLAIMER (1): If your SD card filesystem is set to ExFAT, you will unfortunately encounter spurious crashes, file corruption, and general instability with regards to what's on your SD card while using homebrew -- unofficial or official apps/games. To prevent this from causing problems in the future, we HIGHLY recommend formatting your Switch's SD Card under the FAT32 (or otherwise known as FAT) filesystem. On Windows, this will require a third-party application for cards larger than 32GB; on MacOS or *nix based systems, a simple format will suffice.
    DISCLAIMER (2): If you are using Team Xecutor's SX OS in any form, we sadly cannot provide support as SX OS is known to have compatibility problems with currently existing homebrew. Please switch to a Hekate-based payload if possible.
    Known Issues:
     - Globally, the content scanner does not function; it will hardcrash the system if attempting a scan. Playlists must be created manually, or utilize the Favorites/Recent Content systems already implemented. NOTE: This will launch the associated core by filename, so if the core name is changed, the recent content entry will likely cause a crash.
     - If you have any configuration files used in the past, we HIGHLY recommend cleaning out your RetroArch folder of any and all content, and replace it with the files provided as-is in this package. Refusing to do so may lead to some variance in stability.
     - NXEngine does not work as of the writing of this file (7/7/2018), and will crash before the title screen regardless of the version of Douketsu Monogotari used (original Japanese, AeonGenesis's English translation, etc.)
     - Wonderswan's threaded video (currently the default) does not work properly as of the writing of this file. You may turn off threaded video in Settings -> Video -> Threaded Video, but the performance will be unsatisfactory. This is currently being worked on, and is only an issue in Wonderswan.
     - PCE-Fast and Supergrafx (two versions of the same PC-Engine emulator) will have problems rendering the screen upon loading a second ROM (stretched, squashed, etc.). This can be improved somewhat by setting the core overrided aspect ratio to 4:3 from the default 1:1 PAR.
     - Certain cores (namely MAME 2003 and, in some cases, PCE-Fast/Supergrafx) will hardcrash the system when using a non-1:1 aspect ratio. Avoid changing this for these specific emulators. MAME in particular will also crash if the file is not part of the specifically labeled 0.78 ROMset, or otherwise corrupted.
     - MAME 2003 currently crashes upon closing larger ROMs (around the 20mb mark?). Press the Switch's home button (taskkill) to get around this.
     - SNES9x (Mainline/no date/non-2010) will hardcrash the system when attempting to load more than one MSU-1 enabled game (ROMs that are modded to play CD-quality music/redbook audio). Mitigate this by closing Retro-NX via the menu or pressing the Switch's home button (taskkill) if you want to play another MSU-1 enabled game. Loading normal SNES ROMs is fine, however.
     - Also in SNES9x (Mainline or 2010), "Kirby's Dreamland 3" (and other games that utilize the Super NES's High Resolution screenmode) will 'zoom in' awkwardly when the feature is activated; this can be examined in KD3, in the Friend Room of the first level with a high-resolution flowing leaves effect. This CAN be alleviated if activated mid-game by swapping between aspect ratios (thus re-initializing the video and re-orienting it), but will cause the exact opposite effect if the game switches back to normal resolution mode. Alternatively, this can be disabled entirely by the core option "Enable hires mode," but expect graphical inaccuracies in games that use it.
     - mGBA only supports Game Boy Advance titles. While the core itself has preliminary support for DMG (monochrome Game Boy), Game Boy Color, and Super Game Boy playback, these will crash the core on RetroNX. Use Gambatte for GB(C) playback instead.
     - BlueMSX may or may not work at all, use fMSX
    Q: My Switch has crashed/softlocked, and RetroArch doesn't work properly!
    A: First, make sure you are on a Horizon OS version (I.E. Nintendo's Switch OS) higher than 1.0.0. Second, no matter which firmware you are on, ALWAYS FORMAT YOUR SD CARD AS FAT32; NO EXCEPTIONS. If you continue to use RetroNX under the ExFAT filesystem, we cannot provide additional support beyond the previously elaborated-upon disclaimer.
    Q: I'm trying to save changes to the settings, but it doesn't commit!
    A: Save the current configuration with no content loaded. You can do this from any core.
    Q: Where do I get updates to the cores?
    A: For master/stable builds, the front page on GBATemp (https://gbatemp.net/threads/development-thread-retroarch-libnx.505672/) will have the master links available -- whenever the Master tree is updated, so will the builds in the respective links.
    For nightly/unstable builds, you can watch for build activity in the official repository for RetroNX (https://git.m4xw.net/Switch/RetroArch) underneath the respective cores' subdirectory, and selecting "CI/CD -> Pipelines". Downloadable builds will be marked with a download button to the right. Proceed with caution, as we cannot guarantee these to be stable at all times.
    Q: My question is not listed here/where can I go for additional support?
    A: The fastest method for support and staying up-to-date on progress for RetroNX, you can join the Discord server with the following link:
    When you are posting about issues related to the cores (assuming you have read through this readme and identified your problem is uncommon/unrelated to the above), please list the following pieces of information in your report alongside the issue:
     - Horizon OS version (I.E. Switch OS firmware version)
     - Core used
     - Whether core used is a Master/Stable or Nightly/Unstable; what is the builddate of said core?
     - Version of the Hekate payload used
    Make sure to post in the channel listed #retronx-support.
    m4wx - Primary developer of RetroNX/Libretro-NX.
    lifajucejo, others - Supporting developers/contributers to the RetroNX project.
    Switchbrew - Developers/contributors for the LibNX project and API which RetroNX is built on.
    Original Libretro Team - Primary developer of the Libretro/RetroArch project that RetroNX is built upon.
    All the testers and users that report notable issues.
    An Average Seong - Packaging the build in a convenient pack/writer of the very README you're reading! Thanks for reading to the end.
  20. ReverseNX

    SaltyNX plugin forcing docked or handheld graphics settings
    For now in experimental phase, because it looks like SaltyNX is not in good terms with some games (they will crash without any plugin).
    Confirmed games working:
    God Eater 3 This is the Police Confirmed games Crashing:
    Octopath Traveler American Fugitive Thanks to
    shinyquagsire23 for SaltyNX ultimate-research for code-mod-framework by masagrator.
  21. ReverseNX-Tool

    ReverseNX-Tool is an additional tool to make managament of ReverseNX 0.32+ flags easier (titleid mode is not compatible with older releases of ReverseNX).
    Tool has two operation modes: global and titleid. If you want to change operation mode, press + button.
    global mode is set by default. Sets Docked or Handheld performance mode for every game that you will boot (with docked as default).
    "No global flag detected. ReverseNX disabled" means that plugin is not forcing docked or handheld mode at this moment. "Detected docked global flag" means that plugin is forcing docked performance mode. "Detected handheld global flag" means that plugin is forcing handheld performance mode. If you want to force one of performance modes, you need to press
    A for Docked mode B for Handheld mode If you want to disable forcing performance mode, you need to press Y.
    titleid mode sets docked or handheld performance mode for each game separately.
    It's not a manager of flags for games! It only informs ReverseNX to create needed files in correct folders for first game you will boot and it will stay in that way. After booting first game you need to set again new performance mode if you want to change already set performance modes or create a new one. So changing performance mode works only for first game you will boot after setting performance mode in titleid operation mode of ReverseNX-Tool!
    "No change flag detected. ReverseNX-Tool disabled" means that ReverseNX will not change performance mode for next game you will boot. "Detected docked titleid flag" means that ReverseNX will change performance mode to docked for next game you will boot. "Detected handheld titleid flag" means that ReverseNX will change performance mode to handheld for next game you will boot. If you want to change it, press
    A for Docked mode B for Handheld mode If you want to bring default settings for game, press Y.
  22. RR (RetroReloaded CFW)

    This is a CFW for Switch based on already existant CFW like, Atmosphere, ReiNX, and SX OS.
    This package will allow you to boot a CFW like a Boot Manager. This is a solution All In One. ( AIO )
    Use Volume + , Volume - to move across the CFWs available and choose the one you want pressing Power. Touch support is incoming.
    1.- Just download the latest release, extract it overwriting the existing files in your microSD.
    2.- Boot using one of the next choices.
    Option 1:
    You will find the file payload.bin in the root of the microSD files. This package provides that file. Copy that file into your Desktop PC computer.
    Using a payload injector, like TegraRCMGui, points the file browser to the payload.bin file. Connect an USB-C cable to link your Switch to your PC. Enter into RCM mode. If you don't know how to do that you will have to look for further info. That's not covered here.
    Option 2:
    You also can use R4i Dongle. Just using the official download link:
    Connect your dongle to your PC using microUSB cable. Set it to Flash mode by pressing twice the button in the dongle. When you do that you will be able to browse the dongle folder. Drag & drop the new UF2 file downloaded from the link you used before. When the flash writing has finished the dongle folder will be closed automatically. You're ready to use. Use your jig, use your dongle. Enter into RCM and you will see the menu.

    Boot Manager
    You're ready to choose your CFW. Depending on your desires, you can boot one of the three existing flavours.
    First choice:
    Currently 0.8.4.
    Firmwares supported: 1.0.0 - 7.0.0 / 7.0.1
    Included support for playing to Super Lan Play. You can play with your Switch, even if it's banned, with other players, in multiplayer.
    It's not the official online service.
    Second choice:
    Currently 2.0
    Firmwares supported: 1.0.0 - 6.2.0
    Included support for playing to Super Lan Play. You can play with your Switch, even if it's banned, with other players, in multiplayer.
    It's not the official online service.
    Third choice:
    [SX OS]
    Currently: It depends on the boot.dat file you copy in the boot of your microSD. Remember to copy your license.dat file also.
    Firmware supported: 1.0.0 - 6.2.0
    You can play in Super Lan Play service, as the other CFW. KIP patch was also included in SX OS.
  23. RR Pro (RetroReloaded Pro)

    RetroReloaded Pro realiza actualizaciones a demanda del usuario mediante el botón actualizar. Esto sólo se puede realizar con conexión a internet. Por tanto asegúrate de que los DNS estén ajustados de acuerdo a los 90DNS o si utilizas SX OS el Stealth Mode esté activado.
    Para todos los usuarios que quieran migrar a RR Pro, por favor eliminar las carpetas de la microSD, exceptuando: Nintend*,Emummc, Emutendo, y la license.dat de SX OS si es que la tienes. Se recomienda hacer un backup de tu carpeta Switch antes de eliminarla por si acaso tienes que recuperar alguna cosa.
    Puedes ver los cambios de cada versión en las Releases.
    Cambios Importantes
    RR Pro integra un sistema modular de actualizaciones. Esto significa que ya no tendrás que venir a descargar de forma manual más actualizaciones. Usando el overlay, podrás pulsar el botón Home de la switch y manteniéndolo pulsado durante 3 segundos se hará emergente un menú, donde habrá un botón para que puedas actualizar.
    Las actualizaciones ahora son más rápidas puesto que RetroReloaded ha sido troceado, para que las descargas sean independientes. Si se actualiza el payload de arranque no será necesario descargar todo el paquete completo como ocurría antes, y así ocurre en general con todo.
    Cuando utilices la herramienta Hekate desde RetroReloaded hay un botón que pone Back RR que te permite volver al boot manager de RetroReloaded cuando quieras.
    Qué es RetroReloaded?
    Es un Boot Manager para Switch que permite arrancar de una forma preconfigurada custom firmwares como Atmosphere, ReiNX y SX OS, desde un menú único. Además de herramientas de gran utilidad.

    Descarga la última release disponible, extráela sobreescribiendo los archivos ya existentes en tu microSD. No sobreescribe archivos de configuración de tus aplicaciones ni te elimina datos.
    Para arrancar RetroReloaded puedes usar las siguientes opciones.
    Usando un cable USB-C y un PC
    Si usas esta opción no tendrás que actualizar nunca el payload.bin. Descarga NX_Payload_Forwarder que yo mismo he desarrollado, utilizando el siguiente enlace link, y copialo en alguna carpeta de tu PC. Este payload no requiere de actualizaciones porque cuando lo ejecutes lo único que hace es cargar el payload que se encuentre en la microSD. Por tanto la funcionalidad de este payload es siempre la misma y de esa manera evitas tener que copiar el payload.bin que venga actualziado en la release de RetroReloaded.
    Una vez descargado y copiado, usando un inyector de payloads como por ejemplo TegraRCMGui, ( ver CREDITOS ), selecciona el fichero de payload que descargaste anteriormente ( NX Payload Forwarder ). Conecta por cable USB-C tu Switch y tu PC. Entra en el modo RCM, usando tu JIG y realizando las pulsaciones de Vol+ y Power. Si no sabes cómo hacer esto puedes entrar en nuestro discord a pedir ayuda.
    Usando Dongles
    Usando el dongle de SX OS ( TX )
    Desde la versión 3.50 se puede usar el dongle de SX OS para arrancar RetroReloaded. Pincha el Dongle y arranca como sueles hacer. En vez de arrancar SX OS arrancará el menú de RetroReloaded, a no ser que hayas activado en RetroReloaded la opción de Autoboot, en cuyo caso deberás mantener pulsado el botón Vol - para que aparezca el menú cuando se esté reiniciando.
    Usando el dongle de R4S
    Puedes usar el dongle R4i. Utilizando el siguiente enlace oficial a descarga flasheareamos un payload forwarder.
    Conecta tu dongle R4S a tu pc utilizando el cable microUSB. Pon el dongle en modo de escritura flash pulsando dos veces seguidas el botón que tiene en una de sus esquinas. Esto hará que automaticamente aparezca la ventana del explorador de archivos de Windows, y una nueva unidad en tu sistema. Ahora lo unico que tenemos que hacer es copiar el archivo con la extensión UF2 directamente sobre la nueva unidad que nos aparece en el explorador de archivos. Podemos hacer drag & drop. Una vez que el archivo se termina de copiar el dongle se desconecta del modo flasheo, y la unidad del explorador desaparece. En ese momento tu dongle ya está programado.
    Qué es el Overlay?
    El overlay es técnicamente todas las capas que aparecen superpuestas a nivel informativo en la switch. Desde las notificaciones, el home button menú, y el menú de shutdown, son ejemplos de esto. Si decides sobreescribir el overlay y poner uno tuyo propio debes implementar todo para que al usuario no le falta ninguna funcionalidad.
    RetroReloaded ha implementado un Overlay con la finalidad de hacer un menú de apagado que permita a sxos y a reinx ser reiniciados al payload de RetroReloaded para comodidad del usuario.
    Qué es el AutoUpdate?
    RetroReloaded ha implementado una funcionalidad, aprovechando las posibilidades informativas del Overlay, para poner en background a descarga una actualización de RetroReloaded si es que realmente está disponible.
    El Autoupdate ocurre en dos partes. La primera ocurre mientras estás jugando a la switch por ejemplo. Recibirás una notificación al inicio de la descarga, y otra cuando el proceso haya terminado. Una vez recibida la primera notificación si haces emergente el menu home verás una barra de progreso, primero verde, y luego roja. Cuando el proceso termine te llegará la notificación de proceso finalizado. En este momento el update está listo para ser instalado, pero esto ocurrirá al reiniciar tu switch, para evitar que nada pueda corromperse.
    Cuando arranques y entres en el menú de inicio de RetroReloaded verás un botón en la parte superior derecha que te indicará que hay una nueva actualización disponible. Púlsalo y sigue instrucciones. No hay perdida.
    Puedo usar RetroReloaded para hackear mi Mariko?
    Sí. RetroReloaded está preparado para que puedas arrancar tu Mariko con custom firmware.
    Sigue este vídeo
    Puedo usar AutoRCM?
    Claro. La primera vez que arranques RetroReloaded puedes arrancar la herramienta Hekate. En su menú de Tools, abajo a la derecha encontrarás la opción de AutoRCM. Una vez la habilites la consola ya no arrancará automáticamente sino que se quedará metida en el modo RCM esperando la inyección del Payload, bien desde TegraRCMGUI y tu PC, o bien al pincharle un dongle. De esta forma te ahorras el JIG. Ya no es necesario.
    Se puede desactivar AutoRCM?
    Por supuesto. De la misma manera que lo has activado, se desactiva. Entras en Hekate desde el menú de RetroReloaded y te diriges al menú de Tools. Abajalo a la derecha encontrarás la opción de AutoRCM que ahora la tendrás habilitada. Pulsas sobre ella y se desactiva.
    Qué son los 90DNS?
    90DNS es un servicio de DNS que proporciona unas direcciones IP para ser usadas como DNS Primario y DNS Secundario. Ajustadas sobre la configuración de red de tu consola, impedirán que esta se conecte a los servicios de NN. Evitando así cualquier riesgo de baneo. En las últimas releases el modo Stealth de SX OS se ha mostrado comprometido así que no es garantía. Recomendamos a todos los usuarios a añadir 90DNS además de tener el modo Stealth activado.
    DNS Primario: DNS Secundario: Puedo usar mis propios gamepdas de Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4?
    Sí. Hay un módulo integrado en RetroReloaded que aún está en desarrollo. Puedes habilitarlo en el menú de servicios. Requiere de momento tener conectada la switch al Dock, y conectar el gamepad por USB al dock. Está en desarrollo el soporte bluetooth.
    Puedo usar incógnito ?
    Sí. Incógnito está ahora accesible desde el arranque de RetroReloaded, para no necesitar nunca más módulos dependientes del firmware. Pulsa el botón de Incógnito en la pantalla principal de arranque, haz el backup y actívalo. Eso es todo.
    Puedo usar Super Lan Play?
    Por supuesto RetroReloaded está preparada para ser usada con Atmosphere y Super Lan Play.
    Puedo usar Emunand?
    Sí. La emunand para Atmosphere tiene una integración especial en RetroReloaded. Una vez que la crees o la migres desde SX OS ( puedes usar este vídeo si quieres hacer compatible tu emunand de SX OS con Atmosphere ) aparecerá un nuevo botón en el Arranque de RetroReloaded, desde donde podrás activar o desactivar la emunand a la hora de arrancar.
    Si quieres hacer una integración total y previamente tenías la emunand en SX OS, y ya has seguido el vídeo del enlace anterior y la has migrado a Atmosphere, recuerda que para hacerla compatible con atmosphere debes editar el archivo que hay en la carpeta emuMMC de tu microSD, que se llama emummc.ini y encontrarás unas líneas similares a estas:
    [emummc] enabled=1 sector=0x1a278800 path=emuMMC/RAW1 id=0x0000 nintendo_path=emuMMC/RAW1/Nintendo Lo que tienes que hacer es cambiar las rutas path y nintendo_path a la carpeta Emutendo, que es la que originalmente utiliza SX OS en su emunand. Recuerda sólo debes hacer esto si quieres seguir usando la emunand tanto desde SX OS como desde Atmosphere. Aún así puede requerir la reinstalación de los juegos.
    Por tanto el archivo quedaría así:
    [emummc] enabled=1 sector=0x1a278800 path=Emutendo id=0x0000 nintendo_path=Emutendo Gestor de Arranque
    Dependiendo de lo que necesites puedes utilizar los custom firmwares que están disponibles que son los siguientes.
    Primera Opción:
    Actualmente 0.10.2.
    Firmwares soportados: 1.0.0 - 9.1.0
    Incluye soporte para jugar en Super Lan Play. Puedes jugar con tu Switch, incluso si está baneada, con otros jugadores en multiplayer.
    No es un servicio oficial. Lee bien las instrucciones y conéctate a nuestros foros de soporte en discord, porque hace falta cuenta para poder jugar.
    Segunda opción:
    Currently 2.4
    Firmwares supported: 1.0.0 - 9.1.0
    Incluye soporte para jugar en Super Lan Play. Puedes jugar con tu Switch, incluso si está baneada, con otros jugadores en multiplayer.
    No es un servicio oficial. Lee bien las instrucciones y conéctate a nuestros foros de soporte en discord, porque hace falta cuenta para poder jugar.
    Tercera opción:
    [SX OS]
    Importante: Recuerda copiar tu license.dat en la raíz de tu microSD.
    Firmware soportado: 1.0.0 - 9.1.0 (2.9.3 Beta)
    Puedes jugar en Super Lan Play siempre que el servicio Lan Play del menú de opciones esté habilitado en SX OS y haya sido actualizado por los desarrolladores de SX OS.
    Atmosphere ReiNX ArgonNX TegraRCMGui Switch Lan Play Hekate CTCaer Sys - Con by RetroGamer74.
  24. Ryjin - NSZ Compressor Mod

    An NSZ Compressor Mod
    Main Feature:
    A. Ryjin Automatic
    Sets threads to maximum possible units based on your PC specs B. Ryjin Manual
    Shows how many threads your pc can use for conversion You can select how much threads you want to use but does not allow you to exceed more than what your pc can handle.
    Enabled Threads for Faster Conversion Enabled Automatic Batch Conversion Applied fix for memory issue for updates [commit 53f7026] Applied all changes patch support, ticket error fix, bug fixes [commit #58dab25] Setup and Instruction :
    Install latest python make sure to add python to path Run the install requirements.bat Place hactool compatible keys.txt inside the Ryjin folder Place all nsp inside Ryjin folder Run the Ryjin AUTOMATIC or the Ryjin MANUAL Troubleshooting Tips
    Several errors may occur if you place the Ryjin folder deep within several other folders inside the pc. Make sure not to use folders with spaces in between names. It is best adviced to simply place the Ryjin folder at the root of your designated hardrive. Slow conversion - This happens when you set low threads or your pc has low processing power. Stuck progress bar. Double click the middle of the command window or press spacebar. This happens sometimes if the command window is moved by the user. by Gnk23 and Rylen101
    Special thanks to blawar for the NSZ compressor codes.
  25. SaltyNX

    Proceso en segundo plano de la Nintendo Switch para la modificación de archivos/códigos.
    Este fork incluye muchas mejoras QoL y además de soporte para plugins también soporta parches.
    Parchea el patrón:
    filename es símbolo de función con filetype .asm64, dentro del archivo escriba con el editor hexadecimal las instrucciones que desea sobrescribir para esta función, pon este archivo en SaltySD/patches para que funcione con todos los juegos, o en SaltySD/patches/*titleid* para que funcione con un juego específico. Para funciones adicionales necesitas SaltyNX-Tool
    Las pruebas se realizaron en FW 7.0.1-16.0.0 con Atmosphere hasta 1.5.0.
    No hay soporte técnico para:
    Forks de Atmosphere SX OS Kosmos ReinX SaltyNX es una aplicación creada por masagrator.

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