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43 archivos

  1. Endgame Exploit

    Endgame es un exploit universal del dashboard para la Xbox original de Microsoft. Este exploit ha sido cuidadosamente diseñado para ser compatible con todas las versiones comerciales del kernel y del dashboard lanzadas para la Xbox original. No requiere un juego, ni siquiera una unidad de DVD que funcione, sólo una tarjeta de memoria.

    Copia el contenido del directorio ENDGAME/ generado a una tarjeta de memoria Xbox de modo que el directorio raíz de la tarjeta de memoria tenga la siguiente estructura, donde payload.xbe puede ser cualquier XBE firmado por habibi de su elección:
    /ayudante/ /desencadenar/ /carga útil.xbe Para activar el exploit, conecta la tarjeta de memoria a un controlador y navega hasta él mientras está en el tablero.
    Después de unos segundos, el sistema debería comenzar a cambiar el LED frontal a verde/naranja/rojo para indicar el éxito. A esto le sigue el lanzamiento del payload.xbe colocado en la tarjeta de memoria.
    Preguntas frecuentes
    P: ¿Es este un softmod?
    R: No, por sí solo, ENDGAME no es un softmod. Pero hará que el softmodding sea mucho más accesible a medida que la comunidad lo integre en las soluciones de softmod existentes. P: ¿Qué hay de nuevo en este exploit?
    R: Este exploit permitirá a las personas modificar cualquier revisión de la Xbox original sin necesidad de un juego específico. También permitirá a las personas iniciar fácilmente un XBE casero (como el asistente de configuración de Insignia o herramientas de escaneo de contenido) simplemente insertando una tarjeta de memoria en una Xbox sin modificar. P: No tengo tarjeta de memoria, ¿puedo usar otra cosa?
    R: Sí, cualquier dispositivo USB compatible con formato FATX y dongle de puerto de controlador debería funcionar. P: ¿Por qué aparece el error 21 después de colocar mi propio XBE en la tarjeta de memoria?
    R: Su XBE debe estar firmado con la clave habibi. Varias herramientas pueden hacer esto, siendo xbedump la más popular. P: ¿Por qué mi XBE firmado por Habibi da como resultado una pantalla negra con ENDGAME pero no en una Xbox modificada?
    R: La explicación más común es que su XBE puede estar usando las claves XOR del punto de entrada y el procesador del kernel Debug/XDK en lugar de las claves comerciales, lo que provoca un bloqueo. P: Activé ENDGAME pero mi sistema se reinició rápidamente en el tablero en lugar de en mi XBE...
    R: Si bien esto debería ser poco común, significa que el exploit probablemente falló. Se recomienda navegar directamente a la tarjeta de memoria en un arranque en frío para una explotación exitosa. P: Mi XBE requiere varios archivos y recursos externos para ejecutarse. ¿Funcionará con ENDGAME?
    R: No. Actualmente, ENDGAME solo está estructurado para copiar y ejecutar un XBE independiente. P: ¿Cómo funciona este exploit?
    R: El exploit tiene como objetivo un desbordamiento de enteros en el manejo de imágenes de partidas guardadas por parte del tablero. Cuando el guión intenta analizar las imágenes especialmente diseñadas en la tarjeta de memoria, ENDGAME obtiene la ejecución de código arbitrario. El crédito especial pertenece a shutterbug2000 por el descubrimiento inicial de este vector dentro del guión y el primero en demostrar la ejecución de código en él. Con más investigación, ENDGAME fue desarrollado por gaasedelen aprovechando una vulnerabilidad adyacente que ofrecía un mayor control y facilitaba una estrategia de explotación más ubicua.
  2. Cerbios Tool

    Cerbios Tool es una herramienta que le permitirá personalizar algunas de las características de Cerbios.

    Características y funciones principales
    Soporte BFM (Boot From Media). Compatibilidad con máquinas heredadas hasta OpenGL 3.3. Capacidad para tematizar el logo de Cerbios. Viene precargado con algunos temas para elegir. Posibilidad de copiar la configuración de tus temas favoritos y pegarlos a tus amigos usando el botón "Copiar Tema JSON". Posibilidad de cargar temas guardados desde el archivo Themes.JSON. Capacidad de redimensionar / escalar el logo de Cerbios incluyendo la capacidad de ocultarlo completamente aparte del aviso de Modo Seguro. Capacidad para configurar los modos UDMA 2-6 incluyendo los Modos Automáticos para Adaptadores Startech y Genéricos. Se REQUIERE un Cable IDE/ATA Ultra DMA (80-Conductores) para modos superiores a Default/Stock. Posibilidad de guardar tus configuraciones favoritas para reutilizarlas más adelante. Recuerda tus últimas rutas de bios cargadas / guardadas para que no tengas que seguir buscando. Posibilidad de establecer la configuración por defecto. Capacidad para introducir rutas, ya sea como ?:\ etc o \Device\ formatos. Nota:? = Letra de unidad Posibilidad de desactivar Cargar configuración desde el disco duro. Esto hará que los ajustes por defecto se almacenen en la bios. Nota: Si Load Config From Hardrive está habilitado entonces Cerbios.ini sólo anulará los ajustes en bios que contiene el ini. Los combos IGR ahora solo se configuran en la bios usando Cerbios Tool. Serán ignorados si se encuentran dentro del archivo cerbios.ini. IGR KEYS = A = 0, B = 1, X = 2, Y = 3, BLACK = 4, WHITE = 5, LEFT_TRIGGER = 6, RIGHT_TRIGGER = 7, DPAD_UP = 8, DPAD_DOWN = 9, DPAD_LEFT = A, DPAD_RIGHT = B, START = C, BACK = D, LEFT_THUMB = E, RIGHT_THUMB = F Notas de instalación
    Descargar gratuitamente desde aquí mismo. Ejecutar Cerbios Tool Carga el último binario Cerbios Bios y personalízalo. Guarda la Bios y flashéala en Xbox. Disfruta de la vida.  Cerbios Tool es una aplicación creada por Team-Resurgent.
  3. XBMC - Xbox Media Center

    XBMC (Xbox Media Center) es un completo reproductor multimedia para la Xbox original basado en XBMP (Xbox Media Player), que incluso sep uede utilizar de dashboard principal de la consola.

    ¿Cómo instalar XBMC?
    Descargamos la versión para nuestra consola, la descomprimimos y editamos el archivo XBMC/xboxmediacenter.xml a nuestro gusto. Luego pasamos toda la carpeta XBMC a nuestra carpeta "APPS" de la Xbox.
  4. Titan - Xbox Kernel Patches for Extended Storage

    Titan es una serie de parches binarios escritos a mano para el núcleo original de la Microsoft Xbox. Estos parches están diseñados para ampliar las capacidades de almacenamiento de la popular videoconsola de 2001 por encima de los 16TB.
    Esto se consigue modificando el kernel para que soporte LBA48 y ampliando el número de sectores de disco de 512 bytes direccionables en la pila de E/S.
    El parcheador del kernel para PC de Titan está escrito en Python 3. Se recomienda encarecidamente que descargue los paquetes liberados que incluyen las dependencias aplicables para Windows, Linux y macOS.
    A continuación se ofrece un ejemplo de uso:
    python3 tpatch.py m8plus_kernel.img El resultado satisfactorio debería ser algo parecido a lo siguiente:
    [*] Patching with Titan v1.0 -- by Markus Gaasedelen [*] - Hashing kernel 'C:\titan\m8plus_kernel.img' to ensure compatibility [*] - 0x800243AA: Patching HddStartVerify(...) [*] - 0x8002443F: Patching HddVerify(...) [*] - 0x800244E6: Patching HddStartRw_Length(...) [*] - 0x80024534: Patching HddStartRw_Transfer(...) [*] - 0x80024632: Patching HddRw_Save(...) [*] - 0x8002465B: Patching HddRw_Smuggle(...) [*] - 0x80024485: Patching HddCompleteRw(...) [*] - 0x800246F3: Patching HddGetDriveGeometry(...) [*] - 0x8002F066: Patching HddPartitionCreate(...) [*] - 0x80024B5A: Patching HddCreateQuick(...) [*] - 0x8005546D: Patching HddCreate(...) [*] - 0x80027143: Patching FatxParseSupeblock(...) [*] - 0x80029CE5: Patching FatxStartAsyncIo(...) [*] - 0x80029E5B: Patching FatxAsyncIo(...) [+] Patching successful! Notas adicionales
    Algunas notas adicionales sobre Titán son las siguientes:
    Formateo El proyecto FATX es actualmente el único método probado/soportado para formatear un disco para un sistema basado en Titan XBPartitioner/XBlast/XeniumOS/FATXplorer se consideran sin soporte y probablemente requieran actualizaciones Espero que estas herramientas sean actualizadas en un futuro próximo. Particiones Titan está esencialmente codificado para usar un esquema de particionamiento del tipo "F (Partición 6) se lleva todo". Titan podría extenderse para soportar particiones adicionales, pero parece innecesario Clústeres Titan permite aumentar el tamaño de los clusters a 128kb, 256kb y 512kb Se recomienda encarecidamente formatear los discos grandes (2TB+) con 1024 sectores por cluster (512kb) Matt's FATX es la única herramienta que actualmente puede formatear discos con clusters más grandes Los tamaños de cluster aumentados aumentan dramáticamente la velocidad de montar volúmenes de FATX (arranque más rápido) Aumentar el tamaño de los clusters asegura más lecturas lineales en el disco (lecturas de archivos más rápidas, carga de juegos, etc.) El aumento del tamaño de los clústeres permite tener más elementos en el directorio raíz del disco (8192 elementos en clústeres de 512kb) Si estás usando Titan, puedes permitirte el lujo de clusters más grandes, así que deja de quejarte del espacio desperdiciado El aumento del tamaño de los clusters nunca fue el problema para limitar el tamaño de las unidades/particiones, esto es FUD Los clusters de 64kb deberían funcionar en la partición Titan, pero el arranque/montaje será lento para los discos grandes. UDMA Titan puede cambiar el modo de transferencia UDMA utilizado por el kernel con --udma N Se ha comprobado que aumentar el modo UDMA mejora los tiempos de carga de algunos juegos en más de un 20%. El aumento del modo UDMA requerirá un cable IDE de 80 pines La Xbox de venta al público utiliza UDMA 2 (33mb/s) por defecto (al igual que muchas/todas (?) las BIOS modificadas) El máximo modo UDMA soportado por el southbridge de la Xbox es UDMA 5 (100mb/s HDD <--> CPU) UDMA 5 NO FUNCIONA CON TODOS LOS ADAPTADORES IDE A SATA Se ha confirmado que UDMA 5 funciona con los adaptadores Startech, pero no se ha evaluado adecuadamente UDMA 5 es inestable en adaptadores basados en RXD-629A7-7, pero UDMA 4 parece estar bien Los adaptadores WLXKG-863B son los "peores" que he visto funcionar en la Titan y no han sido probados. Juegos Se ha probado un surtido de juegos al azar para asegurar una línea de base en la estabilidad del sistema No espero que haya problemas importantes, pero es obvio que hay que hacer más pruebas Dashboards XBMC parece funcionar bien EvoX parece funcionar bien EvoX muestra el tamaño de disco incorrecto porque realiza un módulo de 'gigabytes disponibles' por 1000 Esto no significa que hayas formateado mal, o que el disco duro esté corrupto ¿El FTP parece estar bien? Los FTPs basados en Dashboard son probablemente mucho más seguros que los FTPs basados en BIOS (ej. XeniumOS) Considere todos los demás dashboards como no probados Otras notas de Homebrew DVD2Xbox funciona bien El FTP a través de XeniumOS es probablemente arriesgado. Yo sólo lo usaría para transferir archivos a particiones REALES (C o E) Cualquier cosa que arranque en una BFM BIOS (PBL, Hexen?) es totalmente incompatible para acceder a la partición Titan (F) Considera el resto de homebrew como no probado Parches Titan sólo es compatible con el kernel M8+. M8+ es una versión modificada del kernel final (5838) Titan/M8+ puede utilizarse en TODAS las revisiones de hardware de venta al público (1.0 -> 1.6b) Estos parches pueden ser portados a otros kernels de Xbox, pero no es algo que planee hacer Las iteraciones anteriores de estos parches modificaron el kernel para usar sectores 4K pero se consideró innecesario Los parches publicados pueden simplificarse aún más, alejándose de la implementación original de 4K Es posible que más adelante se añadan más parches experimentales que aceleren el montaje de grandes volúmenes FATX Titan ha sido creado por gaasedelen.
  5. CerBios

    Cerbios es una nueva bios personalizada para la Xbox original (por ahora solo v1.01 a v1.03)
    Principales características de Cerbios
    Soporte LBA V4 personalizado. HDD de hasta 8TB #ADVERTENCIA DE LECTURA#  Hack de particiones personalizado (¡Detecta automáticamente!) Soporte nativo de XISO. Simplemente ejecute attach.xbe para cargar el juego.. Mensajes de error personalizados con explicación completa Soporte completo de 128MB de Ram (MTRR Fix) Archivo de configuración personalizado para los colores de la animación, rutas de CD de Dash. Arreglo de la región universal. (GTA SA NTSC ahora arrancará en las consolas Pal) Arranca todos los originales Arranca todos los códigos sin firmar Arranca todas las copias de seguridad Arranca los XBE's de depuración Protección Macrovision Desactivada No Patch Hack No hay reinicio en la expulsión No se comprueba el DVD Rom No hay comprobación de cables AV Soporte de Led frontal      Preguntas y respuestas habituales
    P: ¿Cómo puedo formatear mi disco duro para obtener soporte de partición adicional?
    R: Nos hemos puesto en contacto con los miembros de la escena para darles detalles. Sus herramientas serán actualizadas para hacer este proceso más fácil para usted. También vamos a liberar una aplicación de Xbox que puede ejecutar en su xbox. 
    P: ¿Cuándo habrá soporte 1.4 - 1.6?                                
    R: Actualmente tenemos soporte para esas revisiones de hardware deshabilitadas urante esta fase alfa de pruebas. Una vez que estemos satisfechos con las pruebas y los comentarios recibidos de la comunidad vamos a introducir nuevas características y soporte de hardware.
    P: Mi panel de control no puede ver mis particiones adicionales 8-14.
    R: Algunos tableros fueron programados para soportar sólo F y G por lo tanto sus particiones adicionales no se mostrarán. Sugerimos usar XBMC que soporta 6 particiones extra. A medida que se desarrollen nuevos paneles y aplicaciones, estamos seguros de que incluirán soporte para las particiones adicionales.
    P: ¿Correrá esto en XEMU?.                                              
    R: Sí
    P: ¿Dónde pongo el cerbios.ini?
    R: Raíz de C:. 
    Cerbios ha sido creada por Team CerBios.
  6. Mimesis

    Previously known as Mimesis Revived the original Mimesis v3 is back!
    AngryCamel was nice enough to share the source code and all Mimesis Revived fixes have been backported into the official code! Thanks dude ❤️
    This is a reworked version of Project Mimesis 3 by AngryCamel, Ramzi, and CLuis. 
    I've done what I can to restore Project Mimesis' old content but much was lost to time.

    Files included in this release:
    Config.xml default.xbe        (md5sum 1bcca673dcfa8e78d27a8c4feb118806) media/skins/default/mainmenu/MainMenu-Feature.png media/skins/default/mainmenu/MainMenu-ButtonMask.png media/skins/default/splash.png media/skins/default/sounds/select.wav media/skins/default/sounds/ambient.wav media/skins/default/misc/joystickIcon.png media/skins/default/misc/chooseTitleMask.png media/skins/default/misc/helpPad.png media/skins/default/misc/previewImageShadow.png media/skins/default/misc/contentManagerMask.png media/skins/default/misc/downloadedIcon.png media/skins/default/misc/defaultPreviewImage.png media/skins/default/widgets/dialog.png media/skins/default/widgets/wide_button_norm.PNG media/skins/default/widgets/tab_active_hilited.png media/skins/default/widgets/liveSafe.png media/skins/default/widgets/miniDialog.png media/skins/default/widgets/b_button.png media/skins/default/widgets/tab_queued_normal.png media/skins/default/widgets/progBarFull.png media/skins/default/widgets/a_button.png media/skins/default/widgets/download_item_hilited.png media/skins/default/widgets/progBarEmpty.png media/skins/default/widgets/x_button.png media/skins/default/widgets/miniProgBarFull.png media/skins/default/widgets/tab_installed_hilited.png media/skins/default/widgets/wide_button_hilited.PNG media/skins/default/widgets/button_norm.png media/skins/default/widgets/tab_active_normal.png media/skins/default/widgets/tab_installed_normal.png media/skins/default/widgets/tab_queued_hilited.png media/skins/default/widgets/button_hilited.png media/skins/default/widgets/miniProgBarEmpty.png media/skins/default/widgets/download_item_norm.png media/skins/default/layout/headerSub.png media/skins/default/layout/textPlateHalfScreen.png media/skins/default/layout/headerMain.png media/skins/default/layout/footer.png media/skins/default/layout/background.png media/skins/default/layout/textPlateFullScreen.png media/skins/default/fonts/arialuni.ttf Feature Summary:
    Complete DLC management from within the application Disable/Enable individual DLC Verify TitleUpdate is compatible with DLC Multiple games supported More to come!
  7. Xemu

    Xemu es una aplicación para Windows y macOS, de código abierto, que emula el hardware de la Xbox original, permitiendo a los usuarios jugar a sus juegos de Xbox en PC o Mac.

    Principales características de Xemu
    De código abierto El código fuente de Xemu está disponible públicamente. Cualquier usuario está invitado a ayudar a mejorar el proyecto. Multiplataforma. Xemu corre navitamente en Windows y macOS.  System Link Las conexiones de red están soportadas. Podemos conectar a otros jugadores de Xemu así como con Xbox reales, sea en local o a través de internet.  Xemu está creado por mborgerson.
  8. ViridiX Explorer

    An Xbox Neighborhood replacement compatible with the latest Windows versions.

    by Ernegien.
  9. Xbox Dashboard

    El dashboard oficial de Microsoft para la primera Xbox.
    Se incluyen las siguientes versiones:
    1.00.4034.01 v1.0 1.00.4817.01 v1.1 1.00.4920.01 v1.1 1.00.5659.03 v1.4
  10. Xbox Kernel

    El kernel original de la primera Xbox de Microsoft.
    Incluímos las versiones:
    1.00.3944.01 1.00.4034.01 1.00.4817.01 1.00.5101.01 1.00.5713.01
  11. FlashBIOS

    Of course you must have a bios file already resident on a hard drive (C:\Bios) that you have connected to your Xbox. This can be from a previous installation or if you have another bios on your mod enabling you to FTP to your Xbox. There are several tutorials on xbox-scene.com on how to cover this.

    by Team Xecuter.
  12. Mikerowesoft's XBOX Trainers

    Here is the latest edition of my trainer DIR. Contained within are only etm/xbtf and/or files that relate to each. There are no NFO files and no zip/rar files. These are all ready to go and all working. Post to let me know if you find something that isn't working. All of these work for me, so before you post about a trainer that doesn't work try to make sure the trainer is for the version of the game you have.
    I apologize to all the people that have been Private Messaging me about getting an update. There are just so many messages and it is hard to answer them all. I hope this will satisfy your requests.
    One last thing, while I appreciate your thank you comments, I want you to realize the people that deserve the thanks are the numerous authors that make collections like this possible. The list of names is long and a veritable who's who among the Xbox Scene. Here is a short list of names that thanks goes out to. Y2J, RoboZeo, Angle Fly, Acidflash, Death, Lampo, Goku, Seeker 2002, and Dootdoo. There are plenty more out there, so one big thank you to all.
    by Mikerowesoft.
  13. EZ XBE Dump

    EZ XBE Dump is a Windows tool that will sign Xbox .xbe files.

  14. Enigmah's Video Select 2

    Enigmah's Video Select 2 es una aplicación que nos permite cambiar la región de la Xbox original de NTSC a PAL o de PAL a NTSC.

    Cambiar la región es útil si tenemos una Xbox PAL, ya que al cambiar la región de la Xbox a NSTC esta es capaz de dar soporte a resolucion es 480p, 720p y 1080i usando cables por componentes.
    Esto es especialmente util para aplicaciones como XBMC, que escalan el vídeo a 720p desde SD por lo que el contenido multimedia se verá mejor en tu HDTV.
    Algunos juegos de Xbox, pero no muchos, también soportan 720p de resolución, como Soul Calibur 2. Muchos juegos se pueden jugar perfectamente a 480p, viéndose unos gráficos más claros y limpios en una HDTV moderna.
  15. DVD-X

    Some said it couldn't be done. Some said we had no talent.
    Some were wrong.
    Enjoy this free release from your favourite kernel hackers ;)
    ALL controls can be accessed via your XBOX game controller. Sub Menu system features identical to stand alone DVD player. Fully AC-3, Dolby Digital & DTS Compatible. Full Multiregion Support. No dashboard patch needed - this is a stand alone application. Can be run from disc (CDRW - won't work on DVDR) or straight from Hard Drive Note:
    We have also unlocked the VCD & SVCD capabilities but have not had chance to test correctly. We recommened using CDRW and with a different DVD ROM Unit (instructions to swap ROM on xbox-scene.com) Please post your results on the usual places. Requirements:
    Mod that has the eject trick feature enabled
      Tested On:
    USA 4034 Retail Machine with X-ecuter modchip fitted
    Compiled On:
    PAL 4034 Retail machine with our own (and very old) debug kernel ;)
    Greets To:
    Xantium (xbox-scene.com) SiliconIce (xboxhacker.net) Project-X X-ecuter, Evolution-X, Enigmah, Xtender, PC-Bioxx (The ONLY names in XBOX modding)
  16. DVD2Xbox

    DVD2Xbox es un programa de copia de DVD/CD-R a disco duro para la Xbox que soporta los formatos UDF/ISO9660/ISO9660/VideoDVD/CDDA. Ofrece un sencillo modo de copia de una sola vez y un navegador de discos al estilo de Win Commander.
    DVD2Xbox es capaz de copiar DVD's, CD's de Audio y Juegos de Xbox al disco duro de la Xbox para tiempos de carga más rápidos.

    Gracias a todos los reporteros de bugs y a XBMP/XBMC por algunas librerías portadas y snippets de código. Gracias a Piet por la imagen de fondo y la librería Xcddb. DVD2Xbox es una aplicación creada por WiSo.
  17. boXplorer

    boXplorer is a file manager for Xbox which allows you to directly browse, copy, move, delete and rename files and folders on the Xbox harddisk and DVD drive.
    boXplorer can also play Xbox video media files (*.WMV) and launch other application or  games (*.XBE files). boXplorer can be booted from a DVD/CD or added to your Xbox harddrive and launched from there. boXplorer is a great addition to Evolution X dashboard (on either harddrive or DVD/CD) since it provides file manager capabilites which Evolution X currently lacks. boXplorer contains file operations (copy, move, delete, rename and create folders) which makes the program a fully functional file manager and for the first time makes it possible to manage the files on the Xbox harddrive without Evolution X and FTP ! You can even use boXplorer to rip DVD games to the Xbox harddrive without having to copy the files to your PC first.
    boXplorer can be used either on the Xbox harddisk with Evolution X or booted seperately on a DVD/CD.
    Installation on Xbox harddrive with EvolutionX:
    Start Evolution X on your Xbox. On your PC, FTP the Xbox like normal.
    Create a new folder on the Xbox harddisk, I use "e:\boXplorer" myself.
    Copy all files and sub-folders from the "Xbox Files" folder in the ZIP, to the folder on the Xbox Hardisk. The Folder on the Xbox hardisk should look something like this :
      e:\boXplorer\Default.xbe   e:\boXplorer\Media\back.xpr     e:\boXplorer\Media\font.xpr Now you can add boXplorer to your Evolution X MENU.INI file. Consult the Evolution X documentation for further info.

    Installation on DVD/CD :
    Burn the boXplorer.iso file on a DVD-R/DVD-RW or CD-R/CD-RW using your usual software.
    If using Nero (like me) burn the ISO with these options : Finalize CD, Disk-At-Once.
    If using CD-R/CD-RW and you are having problems, try to extract the files from boXplorer.iso (I use the xISO tool) onto your PC, add a new sub-folder called "0dummy" and add 500-600 MB worth of dummy files to this new folder, build a new ISO and burn it.
    Sometimes the Xbox is having problems booting from a CD-R/CD-RW if the disk does not contain enough data. It has something to do with the laser which like to read data from the outer tracks on a CD-R/CD-RW more than the inner tracks. And this can be solved by adding some dummy files in a "0dummy" folder which then is placed on inner tracks then the ISO is burned.
    At least, that's my experiences :)
    Since boXplorer does not check that you don't delete or overwrite critical system files on the Xbox harddrive and you can render your Xbox unusable if you are not carefull !!!
    However, boXplorer gives you a clear warning before any file operations are performed so it should not be possible to do anything critical by accident.
    I highly recommend that you backup your entire Xbox harddrive to your PC (use Evolution X and FTP) before you begin using boXplorer to manage files on the Xbox harddrive.
    Using boXplorer is 100% at your own risk - the author (T'ulkas) cannot and will not be held responsible for any loss of data or corrupting your Xbox in any way !
    Panels :
    boXplorer use the concept of "panels" to select source and destination for file operations.
    There are two panels (A and B) which the user can switch between with left thumb button (press down on the left analog stick) or left and right triggers - the letter "A" or "B"  in the upper right corner of the screen indicates which panel is active.
    The active panel (visible panel) is always considered as source and the inactive panel is destination. Example : if the user has selected "e:\MyGames\Spider-Man\" on Panel A and "d:\" on panel B and Panel B is visible/active, "d:\" is the source directory and "e:\MyGames\Spider-Man\" is destination for file operations.
    To select a drive for the current panel, activate the menu (press the white button) and select "Select Drive" or press the Start button. You can use the same drive on both panels or use different drives as source and destination.
    Marking (selecting) files and folders :
    To mark (select) files or folders for file operations (copy, move, delete, etc.) press the X button to mark the file/folder under the cursor. When a file/folder is marked, the background for the line will be a solid blue color. To remove the mark, simply press X again on the file/folder.
    If you need to, you can also mark/unmark all files/folders in the current panel by selecting "Mark All" or "Clear Marks" from the Main Menu (press White button to activate).
    Copying files and folders :
    To copy files with boXplorer, first select source and destination by switching between panel A and B, selecting drive and folder on both panels. Then mark the files/folders you wish to copy by marking (selecting) them on the source panel. When you have marked the files/folders you wish to copy and the source panel is visible, press the white button to access the Main Menu and select "Copy...". Now you should see a warning screen telling you what you are about to do.
    Please read the information on the warning screen carefully before continuing.
    To begin copying files/folders, hold both left and right triggers and press the start button.
    NOTE : boXplorer currently does not check for available free space in destination folder, so please check that you have enough free diskspace before beginning to copy files.
    Also, if files exist on destination with the same name, they will be overwritten without warning !
    Moving files and folders :
    Moving files works very similar to copying files exept that files are removed from the source  location after the files has been copied.
    Other than that, the process of selecting files/folders, source and destination works in the same way.
    NOTE : boXplorer currently does not check for available free space in destination folder, so please check that you have enough free diskspace before beginning to move files.
    Also, if files exist on destination with the same name, they will be overwritten without warning !
    Deleting files and folders :
    Deleting files/folder is simpler to use since no selecting of destination is required.
    Only files/folders selected on the active panel is deleted.
    After marking the files/folder you wish to delete, simply select "Delete..." from the Main
    Menu, read the warning screen carefully and begin deleting the files/folders by holding left and right triggers and pressing the start button.
    Rename files and folders:
    The Rename operation is limited to only rename one file or folder at once so only mark one file or folder when activating "Rename..." from the main menu.
    When you have marked a file or folder for rename, you will be taken to a editor screen where you can edit the name of the file or folder. Since there's no keyboard for the Xbox, all input is done with the controller. Please read the "Controls" section in this file for button layout.
    When you are finished entering the new name for the file or folder, press the Start button to accept the new name or the Back button to cancel the rename.
    When accepting (pressing the Start button) you will be taken to a warning screen where you must
    hold left and right triggers and press the start button to proceed.
    Create new folder :
    This feature allows you to create a new folder (directory) on the Xbox harddrive.
    Simply activate "New Folder..." from the Main Menu, enter a name for the new folder (please read the info about renaming files/folders for further info about how to input a folder name), press the Start button. On the warning screen, hold both triggers and press the start button to create the folder.
    Main screen :
    A                      : Select folder/launch XBE/play WMV 
    B                      : Go to parent folder.
    X                      : Mark/unmark file/folder (for copy, move, delete, rename).
    Y                      : Go to root folder.
    BACK                   : Go to parent folder.
    START                  : Select drive/partition.
    WHITE                  : Open Main Menu
    BLACK                  : Return to system dashboard.
    D-PAD UP/DOWN          : Scroll up/down the list
    D-PAD LEFT/RIGHT       : Scroll up/down the list, 1/2 screen.
    LEFT STICK UP/DOWN     : Scroll up/down the list
    LEFT TRIGGER           : Go to Panel A
    RIGHT TRIGGER          : Go to Panel B
    LEFT THUMB BUTTON      : Toggle between Panel A and Panel B.
    RIGHT THUMB BUTTON     : Toggle file filter between "*.*", "*.XBE" and "*.WMV".
    Main Menu :
    START or A             : Select item    
    B or X or Y or BACK    : Close menu.
    BACK                   : Close menu.
    D-PAD UP/DOWN          : Scroll up/down the list
    LEFT STICK UP/DOWN     : Scroll up/down the list
    BLACK                  : Return to system dashboard.
    Select Drive screen :
    START or A             : Select drive/partition
    B or X or Y or BACK    : Cancel
    D-PAD UP/DOWN          : Scroll up/down the list
    LEFT STICK UP/DOWN     : Scroll up/down the list
    BLACK                  : Return to system dashboard.
    Edit Mode (used for Rename and New Folder features) :
    BACK                   : Cancel
    START                  : Accept
    A                      : Insert space
    B                      : Delete
    X                      : Backspace
    Y                      : Switch case
    D-PAD UP/DOWN          : Select character
    LEFT STICK UP/DOWN     : Select character
    D-PAD LEFT/RIGHT       : Move cursor left/right
    LEFT STICK LEFT/RIGHT  : Move cursor left/right
    BLACK                  : Return to system dashboard.

    While playing WMV files :
    B                      : Stop playback
    Q & A
    Q : What is boxExplorer ?
    A : A file manager for Xbox which enables you to browse and manage files on the Xbox harddrive.
    A : Why use boXplorer when we can manage files on the Xbox harddrive thru FTP with Evolution X ?
    Q : FTP with Evolution X is great but it requires you to have your Xbox connected to
        a PC and fiddling with IP addresses which may turn some people off. Also accidental deleting
        of files, etc. can easily happen when using FTP.
        But if you need an easy, fast and safe way to browse and manage file on the Xbox hardrive
        directly, boXplorer is the way ;)
    Q : Can I use boXplorer as an dashboard replacement ?
    A : NO DON'T EVEN TRY! But why would you anyway ? Use Evolution X or keep the standard one !
    Q : What is Evolution X/xISO/Enigmah/whatever ?
    A : If you don't know, maybe you shouldn't be messing around with this program ?
    Q : Can I copy/delete/move/rename files with boXplorer ?
    A : Yes, since version 0.95 you can :)
        boXplorer v0.95 introduced file operations (copy, move, delete, rename, etc.) and is now a
        fully functional file manager for the Xbox.
    Q : I'm nervous about my Xbox, is boXplorer safe to use ?
    A : Yes, it's completely safe as long as you don't copy, delete, move or rename files on the Xbox !
        But don't worry - you are given a clear warning before this happens, it should not be possible
        to copy, move, delete or rename files by accident !
        If you are nervous about installing boXplorer on the Xbox harddrive, you can easily burn
        it on a DVD/CD and boot it from there. Read the installation section for more info.
    Q : There's a letter "A" (or "B") in the upper right corner of the screen, what's that ?
    A : The letter "A" and "B" indicates which panel is active/visible.
        Read the Instructions section above for more info about panels. 
    Q : What are those A and B panels ?
    A : A way to select source and destination for file operations. If you are familiar with Norton
        Commander or Windows Commander you should feel right at home. The only difference is that
        boXplorer only have one panel visible (the active one).
        Read the Instructions section above for further info about panels. 
    Q : What is "Marking files" ?
    A : boXplorer can copy/move/delete multiple files and folders at the same time and to make this
        possible the files/folders must be marked (selected) so boXplorer "knows" what files/folders
        must be copied, moved or deleted.
        To mark (select) a file or folder, press the X button. Marked files/folders have a solid blue
        background color. Read the Instructions section above for further info about marking files/folders. 
    Q : How do I copy/move/delete a file/folder ?
    A : Read the Instructions section above. 
    Q : How do I rename a file/folder ?
    A : Read the Instructions section above. 
    Q : How do I create a new folder (directory) ?
    A : Read the Instructions section above. 
    Q : I want to copy/move/delete/etc. files but nothing happens when I press the triggers and start button ?
    A : First press and hold the left and right triggers and then press the start button.
    Q : When running boXplorer, I can't FTP my Xbox ?
    A : boXplorer does not contain FTP capabilities, use Evolution X to FTP your Xbox.
    Q : Can I browse folders/files on my PC with boXplorer ?
    A : No. You can ONLY browse your Xbox harddisk and DVD drive.
    Q : Can copy/move/delete file to/from my PC and the Xbox harddrive ?
    A : No, not in this version. If you wish to copy files between your PC and Xbox, please
        use Evolution X and FTP.
    Q : Can I rip games from the DVD drive directly to the harddrive ?
    A : Yes, simply select the DVD drive (d:) and copy the files from there to a new folder on the
        harddrive. But be sure you have enough free diskspace on the harddrive !
    Q : Can I browse the internet with boXplorer ?
    A : Nooooooo..... why did you have to ask ?!?!?!?!
    Q : Can I add my own background/colors to boXplorer ?
    A:  No, not right now. Maybe I will make support for customization in the future.
    Q : When I eject the DVD drive to browse a game DVD, my Xbox resets ?
    A:  This is normal on some Xbox mod-chips (I'm not an expert here) so if you want to
        browse a game DVD or rip files from it to the harddrive, insert the game DVD before
        launching boXplorer on the harddisk... using Evolution X of course :)
    Q : I'm new at this Xbox hacking stuff... how do I get started ?
    A : Check out the sites about the Xbox hacking scene and if you plan on copying stuff
        to your Xbox hardrive using Evolution X yourself, please be VERY carefull and
        remember to backup your Xbox harddrive before you start.
        If you screw up and your Xbox and it won't work properly, don't blame me !
    Q : Have you anything to do with Evolution X ?
    A : No, I don't even know the guys except from the scene forums and by their aliases.
    Q : I can't get boXplorer to work on my Xbox ?
    A : You need a chipped or otherwise modded Xbox which can use "unsigned code".
        boXplorer had been testet on a PAL Xbox with a Enigmah-X (final) chip, but it
        should work fine on other chips and US/NTSC Xbox consoles also.
    Q : Can I get the source code anywhere ?
    A:  No, at least not right now. Maybe I will release the source in the future.
    Q : Is xboXplorer legal ?
    A:  No, boXplorer was developed using Microsoft's Xbox Developer Kit (XDK) which
        is only legal to use for authorized and licenced Xbox developers. So by building
        my program with the XDK, my program contains MS XDK copyrighted code.
        I'm only a private person using this project to learn a bit about Xbox development.
    Q : When is the next version coming out ?
    A : I don't know... I REALLY don't... but soon I hope :)
    Q : Where can I find the latest version of boXplorer ?
    A : Hard to say since it's basicly illegal... but try Usenet (alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox)
        or IRC.
    Q : Who are you ?
    A : That's for me to know, T'ulkas is not my real name since I wish remain anonymous.
    Q : How can I contact you with suggestions and such ?
    A : Well you can't directly, but look out for me on the forums that are on the leading
        Xbox scene sites.
    Q : What is Xbox ?
    A : A pretty nice videogame console from Microsoft !
    Q : What's the meaning of life ?
    A : A chair, go figure...
    Version history
    v0.96 BETA - Minor but important additions and improvements :
    - BUGFIX: Rename function did not trim leading and trailing spaces.
    - New file operation : "Calc. Used Space..."
    - Rewritten Move file/folder function - now allowing moving folders across different drives.
    - All file operations improved to give more accurate info on errors and success.
    - Progress bar when copying/moving/deleting files.
    - Drive Select and Main Menu selector now wraps.
    - Use left analog stick or hold down D-Pad buttons to navigate thru lists, menues, editor, etc.
    - Correctly display large free/total space on Drive Selection screen (for those big HDDs)
    - "Exit to Dashboard" added to Main Menu.
    - "Shutdown Xbox" added to Main Menu (thanks ausCoder!).
    - On edit screen (Rename and New Folder functions) simple onscreen help is displayed.
    - Automatic retry (3 times) on failed file copy - may help copy files from some bad DVDs/CDs. 
    - And other cosmetic changes.

    v0.95 BETA - Major update
    - Introduction of file operations making boXplorer a real file manager :
      Copy multiple files/folders.
      Move multiple files/folders.
      Delete multiple files/folders.
      Rename single file or folder.
      Create new folder.
    - Main Menu with file operations and other features (activate with WHITE button)
    - Mark files for file operations (press X)
    - "Mark All", "Clear Marks" and "Inverse Marks" in main menu to bulk-mark files.
    - Panel A and Panel B - used like in Norton Commander or Windows Commander to select
      source and destination for file operations (toggle with left thumb button or trigger buttons).
    - Select Drive function now shows free and total space on each drive.
    - Button layout changed slightly to make room for new features.

    v0.90 BETA - Initial release
    - Browse files and folders on Xbox harddrive and DVD drive.
    - Launch applications (*.XBE files)
    - Play cut-scene videos (*.WMV files)
    Still to come
    Features that may or may not be included in future releases :
    - Multi-panel view (like Norton Commander and Windows Commander)
    - New main menu.
    - Improved browsing.
    - Improved file operations :
      Check free space on destination.
      Press both triggers and Y button to cancel file operations.
      Option: Owerwrite existing files (yes/no)
      Option: Retry on error (0-5)
      Option: Stop on errors (yes/no)
    - New file operation : "Copy As..."
    - On-screen keyboard.
    - Help
    - Play more media formats (WAV, WMA, etc.)
    - Connect to server (Windows PC).
    - Customization (background, colors, fonts, etc.).
    Pride for assisting with the graphics.
    The Evolution X team for their great tool (still alive ?).
    RUNTiME and d7o3g4q for their cool Xbox Media Player will B6 be out soon ?) and
    helping out on the forums.");
    Chossy, Lantus, Squirelly, ausCoder, Wishi, BadBeta, and all the other helpful
    people on the scene forums.
    Og til sidst en hilsen til de Danske Xbox ejere !

  18. Anod-X

    Anod-X (AN Other Dash Xbox) is a dashboard for the Xbox written from scratch, not using any Microsoft dashboard resources.
    Auto/manual update Apps/homebrews/skins/gamesaves download from dash (list is updated once you start AnodX) RSS Newsfeeds SNTP client Skin manager (download, preview and auto install) Gamesaves manager (only on HDD for the moment) with download and auto install Files Manager with .rar support Remote Manager Shortcuts Multilanguage (french and english for the moment) Configurable menus FTP Server (login/pass "xbox") Auto detect Xbox/Video DVD, Audio CD with auto or manual launch of the linked apps (set default apps directly from dash) Play WAV/MP3/WMA/OGG audio files, shuffle, auto, playlist Copy DVD to HDD Eeprom & HDD tools compatible with Xbox v1.6 (protected by password - "xbox" by default): Lock/delock HDD -Backup "C" drive -Clean cache drive -Read Xbox Eeprom -Read Eeprom from .CFG & .BIN files -Save Eeprom in .CFG & .BIN file * Enable/disable F and/or G drives Speedfan Manager LED color manager Autoupdate lists (game/apps/save etc...) without need to restart dashboard Animated background (.XMV) Show free space of each drive Show hardware/network infomation (video chip, IP, CPU Temp etc...) Screensavers (configurable from dash) Possible to put a password when starting Xbox (your console will turn-off after 3 wrong attempts) Take screenshots from dash (white button)
  19. Avalaunch

    Avalaunch is a dashboard replacement for the Xbox. It provides new functionality to the Xbox such as a skinnable interface that lets you control how your Xbox looks. Avalaunch has the ability to download new skins from online websites, the ability to download saved games and to access the X-Link Kai (free) gaming network through an integrated interface.

  20. Chihirox

    Chihirox is a multi-function dashboard for the Xbox with emulation support for various retro consoles
    Emulator function (NES, SNES and GEN (32x and CD), N64, NGP, WS and GBA (GB and GBC), SMS (GG) and PCE) File Explorer FTP server Game disk copy (installation) System information indication
  21. Dash2Gam

    Dash2Gam is a replacement dashboard for the Xbox console.
    Some features of Dash2Gam are:
    it is possible to put the dash anywhere you want (except cd/dvd). Embedded FTP Server in the dashboard Embedded Region Free DVD Reader in the dashboard Support the setup of the Xbox LED color Support of the '0' key to switch off the Xbox while a DVD is playing Scan a lot of Hardware informations of the Xbox Display a lot of informations about the Xbox Display of time and date on every screen Display on every screen the soundtrack, name and time of the current background music 29 buttons to set up (launching applications or internal function) Display the amount of space used/free on each drive Skin support Possibility to set a password for each application or internal function Custom Screensaver The choice of the reader (internal or other) for playing a video DVD or audio CD Multi-language: french, english, german, spanish (+ easily other languages) How to use:
    To copy the file ' dvd.dll' with the root of the partition E: To copy the file ' Dash2Gam' plus the executable or you want. To configure your dashboard by modifying the file ' config.ini' (for the beginners) in the file ' Dash2Gam/2GAM.data/'or the file ' config_pro.ini' (to initiate them) in the file ' Dash2Gam/2GAM.data/' more the files of section in the file ' Dash2Gam/2GAM.data/Datas/Config/'. Launch the file 'Dash2Gam.xbe' (as an application or as default dashboard). Note: If you wish to use the Config Pro, do not forget to set up JUST the first line of the file 'config.ini' for beginners.
    Button Combos:
    The default button presets are as follow :
    (B) ...................... to restart the Xbox from the Main Menu (X) ...................... to display the Music Control Panel (by tHc) (BLACK) .................. to play the game MemoryX (by BobMcGee) (Right Stick) ............ to take a screenshot of your dashboard. You can snap up to 11 shots per session, they would be saved in the directory 'Screenshot' at the root of your E: drive (Left Stick) ............. to load the next Skin (Left) + (A) ............. to change the background image (Left) + (B) ............. to display or not the Clock (Left) + (X) ............. to show informations about your Xbox (Left) + (BLACK) ......... to display or not the Audio Vizualizer on Main Menu (Left) + (Y) ............. to show or not the soundtrack, name and time of the background music (Left) + (Right) + (B) ... to switch off the Xbox (Left) + (Right) + (X) ... to open/close the DVD tray If you are using the config_pro.ini file, do not forget to fill out the 1st line of the config.ini for beginners
  22. NeodashX

    NeoDashX is a dashboard based on the original Microsoft dashboard, with added functions and features.
    Besides features found in most replacement dashboards NeodashX features:
    Up to 10 tabs which can be renamed Direct links to apps and emulators Transparent tabs on top and bottom of the list Integrated memory and control panel Up to 20 differents backgrounds Randomise backgrounds system on boot FTP server
  23. RDX

    rdx (at this point at least) is a collection of new (but comparitivly)  basic emulator ports along with very basic dashboard like functionallity. 
    The primary aim of releasing this is to try and stimulate the xbox  homebrew dev community a little as things seem to be quieting down a bit  lately. :)
    You are encouraged to make as many changes to the code as you want and  submit them back to us for inclusion in a future version.
    There are a few, hopefully non-restrictive, licencing type rules at the  top of dash.cpp about what you can and can't do with the source to team xos developed code. They are not there to limit what you can do with  the code but more to ensure that you release the modified source to any released binaries to help the development community. Certain parts of the code written outside of Team XOS have slightly more restrictive licences but please always follow the licence the original developers have assigned  to there code. 
    by TMaul and the rest of Team Xos.

    P.S. Here are the emulators and other misc libs used in this version of  RDX. 
         TinyXML 2.3.2 (c) 2000-2002 Lee Thomason (www.grinninglizard.com)      TinyPTC (c) Gaffer (www.gaffer.org)      Zlib (c) The awesome zlib team (http://www.gzip.org/zlib/)      XKutils 0.2 (c) Team Assembly (www.team-assembly.com)      Rendering Panel Code (C) Xboxmediaplayer team (http://www.xboxmediaplayer.de/)      Misc bits and bobs from FBAx (c) Lantus, Tmaul and FBA team (www.lantus-x.com and fba.emuunlim.com)      Snes9x 1.43(c) snes9x team (http://www.snes9x.com)      GENS (c) Stef and gens contributors (http://gens.consolemul.com/)      SMSplus (c) Charles McDonald (cgfm2.emuviews.com)      FCEUltra (c) Xodnizel (www.?????) Release Notes
    everything is more than basic in this current version but features are:
    Emulates Snes, Nes, sms, megadrive configurable rom, application and game paths via XML config file Dashboard style app launching The skelton code for some other features     Install Notes
    Setup config.xml to your paths, copy to a dir on your xbox and run. :) Acknowledgements
    Greetings to (in no particular order: Carcharius, Lantus, Likklebaer,  The_joker & team ava, Iriez, XBMC team, X-port, unleashx team, evo-x team, Xbox-scene.com staff, FBA team, and everyone else involved in xbox  homebrew development  
  24. User Interface X (UIX)

    It's about friggin time - I mean - it's with great pleasure we present to you the 1st official release of the user.interface.x dashboard. This is as basic, yet functionally complete as one could need. This will most likely be the 1st and last release using  anything from the original Microsoft dashboard, all future releases will be completely our original material, from the scripts to the meshes and everything in between.
    Listed below are the new scriptable functions and objects now at your disposal, as  well as descriptions/samples of each. They were made to be as simple as possible to use  so you should have very little heartache implimenting them into your work.
    This release includes our last Microsoft menu to replace the very used up drop down  style hard drive menus. We now give you one you have been waiting for since day 1... the memory menu. This is a user.interface.x exclusive, as is the brand new file manager :)
    This dash is released in two separate parts to make future updates easier and a much smaller download (+-7mb compared to 40+)
    Part One: xx.xx.xx.user.interface.x.dash.rar
     this is the dash core, the smaller of the two and the one we will update Part Two: xx.xx.xx.user.interface.x.dash.audio.&.fonts.rar
    this is the contents of the audio and fonts folders, audio will not need  updating unless you use custom sounds, fonts should never need updating Network runs on either static or dchp and yes - you can ftp while watching on movie on the dongle free dvd player. Config is fully handled in the settings menu, but for those of you who like editing files, everything is in a simple ini in system folder,   there you can set your paths and names for menu listings as well as toggle the other goodies in there. Here's a quick rundown of ini...

    The distro contains 'user.interface.x.dash' folder and 'uix.xbe', the xbe may be renamed to whatever you want to call it. The folder however is hard coded in the xbe and can NOT be changed. 
    To install as an app simply place the xbe and folder in the same path, ie: E:\dashboards\UIX so you have E:\dashboards\UIX\user.interface.x.dash and E:\dashboards\UIX\uix.xbe
    To install as a main dashboard simply place the folder and xbe on a partition root,  ie: E:\ so you have E:\user.interface.x.dash and E:\uix.xbe
    Bug Reporting:

    As this is the first public release the increase in number of users will no doubt unveil some bugs we have yet to come across. Everyone in #teamUIX is more than helpful with resolving script bugs and will be able to pass on to devs to resolve actual issues with the xbe itself.

    The new memory style menus have 'Launch Title' and 'Delete Title' in their submenu. Don't worry, 'Delete Title' doesn't do anything. It was simply left to show that more can be added to that submenu if desired. One could script in for it to be 'Edit Comments' and use the keyboard to create a file in the titles save dir to read text from and display that text in the meta panel below. Just an idea :)
    Playlist Player\Editor in music menu is not in this release, that will be our first update as well as the inevitable bug fixes found from finally being publicly used.
    New Menu Options and Usage:
    Music Menu: "Playlist Player\Editor" is disabled  for now, will be 1st update. In "Edit Soundtrack"  menu press Y to rename the soundtrack.
    Hard Drive Menu: Will load title lists on 1st use. To refresh the list of a given menu press Y in  the menu and you will be prompted to resfresh the cache. This will update the lists after adding or removing a title from hd or after changing option to list titles from xbe internal names to using folder names.
    Back and Start buttons are globally mapped to raise/lower music volume. White and Black buttons are globally mapped to eject and close the dvd tray.         
    I personally would like to thank h3inrich - he knows why. Thanks to Voltaic (where did you go??), team avalaunch, complex/wam, team Xecuter, damajor, team iND and everyone who has helped and supported our efforts. Special thanks to jokko for being such a positive role model - seen anything good on a  newsgroup lately ? A monster special thx to BLeST as this would never be complete atm if not for him. 
    A massive shout out to all the ppl who have stuck with us through 'the cold war' and make up the coolest  chan on irc #teamUIX :) Thanks to XanTium and HSDEMONZ at www.xbox-scene.com for all the support they have  given us from day 1. Thanks to Ben Jeremy for not only trying to help when asked for it - but also for  xselect, if you're gonna script anything xselect is your best friend and #1 error 21 avoider :) finally, thanks to everyone who spends their time building and rebuilding, writing and rewriting, creating and  tweaking, and giving up their free time so our free time can be that much cooler. we all owe them a  tremendous thx. and finally thanks to you, there is no scene without users,  and the user is who we do this all for...
    ... now get to scripting :) below is the list of changes and features added, as always there are  plenty of helpfull ppl in #teamUIX.
        ...enjoy TeamUIX
  25. Xbox OS

    This dashboard was dream up one day while screwing around on the xbox.  They ideas for
    it are still comming,but I'm not going try and reinvent the wheel.  The goal of my project
    is to have a nice bundle of software like an 'os' so its almost just a plug and play with
    very few configurations.  I have include some homebrew xbes not written by me.  So if your 
    having problems with them contact them.
    Bugs & Bashes & Comments:
    If you find a bug contact me at SinnerSol@hushmail.com.  I am looking for dump sites so when new
    release are out I can just upload to a few sites and be done with it. Also I am looking
    for people with skills in graphics to do some backgrounds. Join the Xbox-os Revolition and 
    Features Included:
    1. Menuing System
    2. Autoboot DVD's to default dvd player
    3. Plays sound tracks from menu.
    4. Comes with all the tools you need.
    5. Play multipul games from one cd, see advance_readme.txt
    Menu Movement:
    1. Thumbpad for up and down movement.
    2. Start or 'A' to select.
    3. Back or 'X' to go back to the main menu.
    4. 'B' to play next song on sound track.
    5. 'Y' to go to next sound track.
    6. Right Trigger next skin
    Modifing Ini: Auto
    run the "menu editor3.exe"
    Modifing Ini: Manul
    The entire dashboard is very configurable.  Everthing is loaded into ini files. No spaces 
    between the "==". Here are two examples.
    File Manager==d:\filemanager\default.xbe
    File Manager== d:\filemanager\default.xbe
    Sub Menu A==c:\xos\ini\name.ini
    Sub Menu A==name.ini

    It has to be perfect or it wont run. No spaces between the "=="! Also use the absolute path.
    --How the menu works
    Any menu can create submenus. menu.ini is the first menu. Thus you can make Xbox-os look/run how you want it.
    If you dont want any menus just games on your boot page. Then you could do something like
    Game A==e:\games\a\default.xbe
    Game b==e:\games\b\default.xbe
    Game c==e:\gamesothergames\c\default.xbe
    --Auto Add games ands Apps listed a directory

    The dashboard has only been tested as the file c:\xboxdash.xbe. 
    I dont think it will boot from a dvd/cd, but its not tested.
    Files & directories should be located here for proper functionality. You can change
    the name of xboxdash.xbe, but it has to be located in c:\.

    Files to modify
    c:\xos\ini\games.ini    Set the location of any games.
    c:\xos\ini\defaults.ini    Set the location of the background picture
    c:\xos\ini\media.ini    Set the location of MS dash, If you have it
    c:\xos\ini\tools.ini    Set the location of Evo, If you have it.
    Keep the scene alive and kicking, especailly Homebrew programmers.
    by SinnerSol.

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