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Mupen64-360 0.993 beta 2

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Mupen64-360 es un emulador de Nitnendo 64 para Xbox 360. Está potenciado por libxenon y es un port de Wii64 (que a su vez es un port de  Mupen64).

Unzip on USB sick, then run from Xell.

Many ROM formats are supported, zipped ROMs also work.

In the browser, the Back button changes the current drive, A selects, B goes to parent dir.
Ingame, Back toggles Framerate limiting, and the Guide button quits to the browser.

Other controls are described in the emulator itself.

The browser background image is loaded from /mupen64-360/bg.png on the USB stick, other backgrounds are provided.


    - Controls (l->r):
Changes the way N64 directional controls are mapped to the 360 gamepad, from left to right.
EG: Stick / D-Pad / C-buttons means N64 stick will be mapped on the 360 left stick, N64 D-pad on 360 D-pad, and N64 C-buttons on 360 right D-pad.

    - Textures:
Changes the texture enhancement filter, depending on games, some filters will look better than others.
Be aware than the highest settings can slowdown games a lot, or even crash them in some rare cases.

    - CPU core:
Controls the speed/compatibility ratio, from fully featured dynarec to interpreter mode.
'No linking' and 'No VM' are new dynarec modes that can make some games work, while still running at playable speed.
    - Framerate limiting:
When enabled, games won't go faster than they would on a real N64. Can be toggled ingame with the Back button.


Wii64 / Mupen64 teams (guess why 🙂
GliGli (Xbox 360 port)
Ced2911 (GUI library)
Razkar (Backgrounds)
Everyone that contributed to libxenon...

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.993 beta 2


  • Soluciona problemas de montaje con dispositivos USB (que provocaban que nada funcionara).

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