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PS3 OFW 4.82 NAND/NOR Flash Writter 2.0

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  • Verify flash_482.hex file on a flash drive and in the selected USB slot!
    • flash_482.hex MD5: d05be52f8d21700052fbd1fc0174acae
  • DO NOT USE ON CFW (Custom Firmware) (Only Supports OFW)
  • DO NOT USE ON PS3 Models 3xxx/4xxx (aka late Slim or Superslim models), you would brick those consoles.
  • ON SLIM 2xxx Consoles, always use MinVerChck PUP to ensure that the minimum installable firmware version is < 3.60, if ever the minimum version is >3.56, using the flash writer would partially brick your console!
  • USE ONLY ON 4.82 OFW


  • It's essential not to flood the browser memory with junk before running the exploit. The reason for this is that due to ps3 javascript core memory usage limitations we are scanning several times a small range of browser memory (a few Mb) to find some essential data in RAM, if the memory is flooded due to previous browsing then the range to scan becomes much larger & the probabilities that our data is found in the smaller range decrease dramatically..
  • So in short, never use the browser or use a homepage you cancel before running the exploit!
  • It is recommended to set your homepage temporarily to the exploit page you wish to use to ensure there is no memory flooding messing with the exploit initialization stage.


For best results with flash writer, here are the recommended steps.
  1. Install OFW 4.82 twice on the console you wish to flash to avoid the potential corruption error during CFW installation.
  2. Open the browser & browse to the ps3xploit.com website, go to the page of the exploit you need. Set the current page as browser homepage. Don't launch the exploit initialization. Close the browser.
  3. Open the browser. The exploit page will load automatically. Choose your path option.
  4. Press the exploit initialization button & wait until initialization succeeds. If it fails, follow the refresh/reload instructions on screen.
  5. Trigger the exploit by pressing the patch button.
  6. On success, load the ps3xploit.com flash dumper, dump the flash memory & validate it with py checker tool. Do NOT restart the console if ever the validation tool gives you errors/warnings on both ros0 & ros1 or you risk to partially brick your console. Report your problem instead.
  7. When you are satisfied with the dump validation, restart your console & install a 4.82 CFW.

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