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PhoenixARC XML Generator Toolkit 1.7

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A fully functional XML(XMBML) generator!

Current requirements:

  • Framework 4.8+
  • Windows 7+ (64-bit or 32-bit)


  • Generate PhoList Files (For XML Generation)
  • Generate XMLs for PKG Downloads
  • Generate XMLs for use with DeViL303's Podcast player!
  • Generate XMLs for Website Links
  • Generate XMLs for XMB Entries
  • Generate XMLs for Copying files
  • Generate XMLs for streaming Videos

Currently the tool does not support direct to-xml generation, so you first generate a .PhoList file in the first tab, save it, then open it in the 2nd tab. you will have an option to generate the XML from that.

Tutorial on usage:

by PhoenixARC.

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