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psp2renga 1.2

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Custom lv0 framework for Playstation Vita/TV

Usage (end-user)

  • Put psp2renga.skprx in ur0:tai/
  • Add a line to ux0: or ur0: /tai/config.txt under *KERNEL
    • ur0:tai/psp2renga.skprx
  • Reboot

For developers
psp2renga requires taihen.

Basic info

- For all communication ARM<->FRAMEWORK the Camera SRAM (p: 0x1C000000 - 0x1C1FE000) or a custom-mapped phycont block is used.
    - In renga it is referred to as "commem" or "corridor".
- There are two patches used:
    - run_sm::set_state(5) hook - After SM load, before jumping to it.
    - fcmd_handler() hook - After ARM command is received, before executing it.
- At every sleep/resume the crypto processor is reset, commem is reset too.
- The framework is injected by exploiting update_sm::0x50002
- If logging is enabled, psp2renga creates a log in "ux0:data/0psp2renga.log".

Commem layout

- 0x0-0x200: Framework config.
- 0x200-0x500: Entry manager, run_sm hook jumps there.
- 0x500-0xD0000: 12 0x10000 entry blocks, one additional smaller block.
- 0xD0000-0xF0000: Reserved for any-time-run code, fcmd_handler hook jumps there.
- 0xF0000-0x1FE000: Unused.


- For kernel-exports check /Include/renga-funcs.h
- For user-exports check /Include/renga_user-funcs.h
- For important defines check /Include/renga-defs.h
- You may use lv0_loader.vpk (/User/app/) to easily run your own MeP payloads.
- You may use renga.suprx (/User/plugins/) to easily switch between Camera SRAM and the phycont block.
    - Add the _settings one to SceSettings, there will be a new entry in Settings->System
    - Add the _forcephy or _forcesram to target apps, either phycont or sram mode will be forced.


- Team Molecule for the update_sm 0x50002 exploit and help over discord
- Team Molecule for HenKaku, TaiHen and Enso
- xerpi for the vita-baremetal-loader
- CelesteBlue for the ssmgr-resume hook


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