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ControlConsole API (CCAPI) 2.80 rev6

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CCAPI is a software that establishes a connection between your ps3 and another device such as your computer or your smartphone.
You can control your ps3 with it.

A few functions available:

  • Game modding
  • Debug non-fself & fself in real time
  • Wireless connection
  • Modify idps and psid
  • Edit console Leds
  • Ring console buzzer
  • Get ps3 temperature


  • Download the CCAPI.
  • Inside, you should find a folder called PS3 with a .pkg, put it on the root of a usb stick.
  • Plug the usb stick on your ps3, then install it.
  • You should also find a folder called PC with a .exe, run it and follow the instructions to install it.
  • You have now CCAPI installed on your ps3 and on your pc.


  • On PS3, you just run the pkg, again
  • On PC, use the configuration panel and the option "uninstall a program".

Console Manager

  • On Android, you can get it from the google play store.
  • On PC, it is installed with the CcApi-setup.exe.


by Enstone.

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